i want to see this movie reallllllly badly!!!!!!!!! not onely does it look funny :lol: it also looks like a pretty good action movie. ;) it reminds me of shoot em up it was a terrible action but because of its funny writers and horrible graphics it made a good movie. (if u havent seen shoot em up i highly recomend it)
but anyways it look s really cool cause its soooo gory. it reminds me of dead rising (cant wait for the sequel) but i hope it doesnt turn out to be one of those stupid "Scary Moive" or "Disaster Movie" or even "Meet the Spartans" Those are so disgusting. bleh. the good thing is that it is not supossed to be scary. i love gory scary movies like Saw or Final Destination. but if Zombie Land wasscary i think it would just ruin it. cause Zombie Land isnt supposed to scary it supoosed to be gory and funny
U know wat else it reminds of? it reminds me of the Resident Evil Movies!!! the graphics and blood are so bad it makes kinda of good. Although the Resident Evil games are sooo much better. but back to the point i want to see this movie and you are welcome to meet at the theaters. ;) :P :D :lol: :) ( i will be holding up a sign that says "i am pendal";) )