19:08:49 10-06-2009
Oh, I just wanted a weird title. Just be thankful I didn't go with "ooga-booga!":lol:
Anyways, I recently got the Battlefield 2 Complete collection! I know, sorta pointless getting the complete collection when two out of three expansion packs were given out as free in the patch (Patch 1.5), but I did it anyways. I thought maybe it might be easier to have the installer automatically patch all expansions instead of going through the hard, drawn out process of patching the game, updating punkbuster, and so forth. Quite maddening for some people (check the forums if you don't believe me), but I seem to have *almost* completely avoided all troubles with patching both this game and Battlefield 2142: Complete Collection. Is it just me, or does not everyone read the manual 15,000 times to make sure they go through every step exactly? Eh... it's just me. :)
So, how is Battlefield 2, you might ask. Are the jets terribly overpowering? Do people hack like crazy in the game? Do people just "'nade spam" into infinity on "every single server!?!?"Is one kit specifically greater than all others combined? I have seen many-a-topics on each individual question, and I must say no to every single one of them. Why? I'll explain below.
- "Are the jets terribly overpowering?"
My answer is no, not really. Let me simply say that there still is quite a large issue of it on some servers. Not many, but some. I have run into it once on the 10 or more times I have played on vehicle servers... and it was only on this one specific map: Gulf of Oman. Every other one seems fine to me, but... that is just my opinion.
- "Do people hack like crazy on the game?"
Now, this one I do not hear near as much as the other three... but it still comes up every once in a good long while. The reason I put this in is more of a informations sake, not an answer to anyones complaint.
This game is monitored actively by a service known as "Punkbuster." Anyone that has ever played any of the America's Army, Call of Duty, Crysis, or Battlefield series online should know in an instant about Punkbuster. It is a anti-hack service created by evenbalance. It is complained about by a lot people, stating that it "kicks me out for no reason whatsoever", and that is true, to an extent... but that topic is a whole other blog post. This game is monitored by the anti-hack software Punkbuster, and the only people that hack (I've run into two people overall in around 15 hours of gameplay) pay for professional hack services, or get a "public release" that works for a little while (a day or two maximum) until PB gets their hands on it and usually bans everyone that used the hack. So, the answer to the question, simply put, is no.
- "Do people just "'nade spam" into infinity on every single server!?!?"
Again, my answer to this is different from the community of complainers out there: no. Keywords, though, are "every single." I have run into it once, but only on a certain map (of which complainers love to make their topic): Strike at Karkland. This map is a city, urban combat, perfect for 'nade spam (Grenade spam) map. I have played on it several times, though it isn't the main map I play on(Fav map: Operation Blue Pearl - It is truly EPIC), I have never ran into this problem. It must just be me... ;)
- "Is one kit specifically greater than all others combined?"
This one I have heard more than grenade spam and hacking combined. People complaining about how the "medic kit is so stupid" (Cr@Z H@x0R$ w1tH n0 L1v3$!! :P). I must say the kits are balanced out pretty good in this game. The engineer kit is pretty boring, and the special-ops kit is like a step down from the assault kit plus C4. Besides those (JUST MY OPINION), it seems like the assault kit (unlocks included) could beat out the medic kit almost any day. I actually really like playing with the other kits, just for the fun of it. Try it out sometime (not playing Medic kit), you might like it!
Oh, Battlefield is soo fun... I would have quite a nice conclusion, but I have been typing this for 30 minutes, and I am sick of typing. See you on the battlefield soldier!
P.S. The word "C L A S S" isn't allowed in the posting of this blog (HTML errors), so I replaced that word with the word "kit." If you find any errors, let me know please. Thanks! :D
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