perfect-dank-0's forum posts
Who cares I stopped playing gears after a couple of days and went back to pdz.
Gears is too simple and repetetive and tps suck.
Yeah right thats like saying games will look better than reality.
ps3 graphics can't exceed 360 so how can they exceed hollywood?
Don't get your hopes up.
Because as of right now, the ps3 graphics don't look as good as 360 yet. Take it one step at a time.
Maybe developers are sick and tired of trying to develope games for ps3. From what I have read it is really confusing and difficult to unlock the ps3's power, even for the most experienced developers. It's also very difficult to port games to ps3 and my theory is that capcom didn't feel that it would be worth their time to port a game over to ps3 which has a very small fanbase compared to other platforms. And smaller fanbase = less cash for game companies = less incentive for game developers to create new games, particularly exclusives. My point it that developers won't concentrate very hard on making great ps3 games when creating games for other platforms is much more profitable.
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