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Overwatch Review

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I have never really been a fan of blizzard until this game came out. All my friends said I had to play it, and so I bought it. The game is absolutely fantastic, offering varieties of heroes and levels and abilities. I play this game on my Xbox One, and the graphics are phenomenal.

Yes, the game is amazing, but I have discovered a few bugs myself. The first one is my menu going absolutely crazy. In order for me to select something I have to land the cursor on the right option while it continues to go up and down, left and right. Trust me, it was not my controller, for I switched to 2 different controllers and did not solve my problem. I have researched the internet, but no one has had the same problem.

The second one a lot of people have, but it is extremely annoying. I haven't confirmed this as a network problem, but every time when I'm in a party, when we join a game, it goes to the loading screen as normal, but then transfers to the menu, and then to the loading screen, and back to the menu...

Overall, I think all the characters are fair (Except for Bastion, he camps in a corner in turret mode and gets play of the game every time) and I think that was what Blizzard was going for. My personal favorite is Genji, because he can take on any character. Sniper on the enemy team? Just deflect Widowmaker's bullet right back at her face! Bastion camping in a corner as always? Zoom up to him and give him a taste of his own medicine! The game also teaches how a team should work together. One person needs to be a healer, one person needs to be a tank, two defenders, and two offenders. That's how an online team should work.

Even though this game is good and all, I'm still not really a big fan of Blizzard. In order for me to submit a bug report for the menu thing, I have to have a "Premium Account" in order to post. What if you're a PS4 player or Xbox player and need to submit a bug? I know the answer. You can't! Everywhere I try to submit it says I need a premium account.

I hope this game gets more heroes and gamemodes as it goes, because the game is amazing.

Star Wars Battlefront

Since this is my first blog, I will talk about a more recent game that I play on the Xbox one, Star Wars Battlefront.

I get made fun of a lot for liking this game, because it was made by EA. To be honest, I would give this game a 50/50. In the next paragraph I will talk about the "good" side of Star Wars Battlefront and then the "bad" side.

From what everyone has seen just by the trailers or even playing the game themselves, EA actually took a lot of time in making the maps so detailed. Not only that, but the sound detail is extremely accurate. When someone throws a grenade, you can hear the echo of the grenade from across the map. The physics of the game are also very well done.

Now I will talk about the downside to Star Wars Battlefront.

The fact that EA put this game out before it was even finished is one of the reasons I put the controller down. If you ever played the previous versions of this game for the original Xbox and the PS2, you should remember that there was tons of maps for you to choose from as well as classes and such. Sometimes I wonder, did EA actually play the original Star Wars Battlefront titles? You should also remember being able to play as the clones or the CIS in previous titles. EA has also changed the way heroes work. Instead of earning the ability to play as a hero in the original SWB, there's just a token sitting somewhere in the map, waiting for someone to grab it.

This is what really ticks me off about this game.

Not only was the game lacking of necessary components, but it was also lacking of content. On October 8th 2015, you may recall the SWB beta released for the PC, Xbox, and PS4. The gametypes that were in the beta were Walker Assault and Drop Zone. I played the beta literally 24/7 and when they ended it, I immediately got up and pre-ordered the game. When I first saw all of the survival maps in the full game, I was extremely disappointed because there was only 4 maps. Only 4. Same for matchmaking, there was only 4 maps, and when I saw that EA wants you to get the expensive season pass, I started to question this game. That season pass should have been free, EA, free. That is all I have to say.