This review will likely contain large amounts of spoilers, annoyances, rants, and possibly some form of humor as I decide if a game is worthy of the triumph\/tribulation title…. Or…. "Triumbulation" which would be somewhere in-between the two.
Diving into Two Worlds 2 after all the reviews I knew right away not to expect a game made of solid gold. It like many games of its kind is rather full of generic characters, plot and glaring game play issues which in the end left me let down… Now I am sure I will find some hard core fan who will come and throw something at me for saying this (maybe a water bottle off the head like Justin Bieber), but its true!
The game starts with you fighting your way free with the help of some random characters that show up just at the right time to save you but not your sister… great now I am free… I think I am going to go run down these stairs… wait… im dead… falling damage? Seriously… okay now I'm outside, this area actually looks really cool, I am going to run down this slightly inclined slope, nope I'm dead from falling damage…
A slightly sloped hill is more deadly than the evil game villain?!? Great, so now that I will be carefully crouched down and crawling through the universe this might slow some things down.
The quick travel portals you begin to discover come in handy as the game does promote some rather large sized maps, though only the first of the 3 areas actually provide any need and wish to explore. Which means after you complete the first region you have completed most of the game. After you complete some of the first main area horses become available in the game but I actually spent more time just trying to find one than I ever did riding one, maybe I missed something important.
At certain points even the main character seems to not care or want to take things seriously. "Oh you want help… *sigh*… well I have nothing better to do."
Now I have been beating on this game rather hard but I do have to say it has its enjoyable moments in some of the side quests mixed with humor and interesting battles.
Random Lady - "It worked you helped me bring my husband back!"
Main Character -"Wait what?"
Random Lady - "Now he will only need a little bit of your blood to keep him alive, I would do it but I just can't give him anymore"
The largest spoiler you can ever get in a posting is in regards to how the game actually ends
It is often a trend to try and spice things up and changes things up (Which I love mind you), but you at least want to be able to fight the main villain that you have been striving to battle the entire game. Not only will you not get this satisfaction, but instead he bails you out of a situation and you don't even get the minor satisfaction of watching him get torn to shreds, instead you get to frolic down the hallway for a battle which for the most part doesn't even involve you using any of the skills you have worked to level up during the game.
So all in all I will toss this game into the TRIBULATION pile and ask someone to please provide me with the 30-40 hours of my life back.
To harsh? Maybe…
Well this is my first real blog/review… more to come!