Hey, anyone.
Well, I'm bored so I'm making a new blog post.......out of boredom.........ANYWAYS, I got a new avatar and I really like it. What do you think about it? That was kinda weird............. Anyways, I like it, what do you think about it?
I'm getting more active in one union cuz I think that's about all I can handle right now. That union is..............THE NINTENDO ALL-STARS!!!! They have some really cool stuff and I think you should check it out! Go to my unions at the top of the page and scroll down until you find The Nintendo All-Stars Union. Right now, they are getting some new officers and having a Mario Kart Wii Tourney that you can still apply for. Check it out if you read this blog! I DARE you to! I say a lot of weird stuff now don't I........... Oh, and I'm thinking of starting my own union. Should I? Is it any fun? Or would it be hard to handle all of the responsibility?
I'm starting school on Tuesday and it's one of those things where the 7th graders go to school on Monday and then the 8th and 9th graders go on Tuesday and then everyone comes together on Wednesday. I'm excited, I feel like summer is getting too long and I'm ready to get up early every morning and go to school!
I got a new emblem for doing tags on my blogs. It's the Tagger Flirt and............it's an emblem. I really can't think of anything else to say.....
Yeah, so it's an emblem and I'm gonna be getting updates for it since I'm doing more tags.
Next, I FINALLY unlocked Mii Outfit B on Mario Kart Wii! It's pretty cool, cuz I have been delaying unlocking him for some time now. BUT I FINALLY HAVE IT HAHAHAHAHA TAKE THAT ALL YOU PEOPLES THAT DON'T HAVE IT YET HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That was weird..........like normal.
Anyways, that's about it for me! Goodnight everyone I will see you tomorrow! SEE YA LATER! (I'm expecting comments.)
Oh, and I'm going to start putting a video from youtube after every blog. It'll kinda be like a video of the day thing. Anyways, here is today's video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9ykCQWpnEo Goodnight!
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