@Star67: Sounds like there is something up with the motherboard that would need repair, then I could get the replacement hard drive. But with the cost and me missing out on PS4 exclusives I'm wondering if I should just upgrade. Also curious what's the point in buying another PS3 since it was discontinued over a year ago and I'm wondering when they'll shut servers down etc.
PerpetualNewb's forum posts
So it's happened, my PS3 has bit the dust. The hard drive is fried and according to the repair guy it's not worth getting it fixed. He recommended buying a new one, but I think it's time to move onto the PS4.
My only question now is - What do I do with all the old stuff? I used to hang onto my old games but what's the point? Won't there be a point where the servers are shut down and I won't be able to get crucial patches or firmware? Not sure what to do about my collection....HELP!
It's probably tempting to get an upgrade plus a game you want, but I would wait just a month or two to see what Polaris does (AMD's next generation of graphics card). If they are awesome or if Nvidia has something compelling you won't be stuck with your 390x, if they aren't that interesting the new cards will force a price drop of the 390x anyway so you can use the savings on the game and feel secure.
This seems premature without actual benchmarks, besides I thought AMD's strategy for this iteration was to go for the mainstream and budget cards where the margins aren't as high but there is more volume. Everyone wants the high end but there is something to be said for performance for dollar. If this new set of cards have comparable minimum frame times with Nvidia and AMD finally get their driver releases to be on par as well I would get one, but I'm not holding my breath.
I've got a few for you:
Screencheat is amazing, encourages you to screen look...in fact you have to. Works locally and online.
Keep talking and nobody explodes can be a great fun party game, and only requires one computer
Renegade Ops is a top down twin stick shooter with local co op, great reviews
Portal 2 has built in split screen co op that's decent
Enter the Gungeon just came out a bit ago and it's amazing, with local co-op
I also believe the following have LAN support: Dying Light, Borderlands, and Rocket League.
Like Devnon said there are a lot of lists, a quick search will give you more ideas
This is going to be a must play for me at some point, I've played through all the originals before with friends. It's the last time I'll be able to keep up the tradition!
@nirogol: agree you can't plan by rumors, but this is beyond rumor at this point http://www.giantbomb.com/articles/sources-the-upgraded-playstation-4-is-codenamed-ne/1100-5437/
Most outlets are stating that this definitely coming, and in fact that Microsoft will be following suit.
@ps3hdalltime: If I remember correctly from when the game was released the PS3 version was actually a technical marvel, the fact they got it to run at a very consistent framerate without sacrificing anything gameplay wise. It might even look and run better then Metal Gear Solid 4, but I haven't played the PS3 version of MGS5 so I'm not sure. Enjoy, I had a good time with it.
@d_parker: Also agree with the life too short sentiment. May just get one. But the other thing that bothers me is they aren't just moving old stock, they created a special edition console with their tent pole game and in a few months are going to tell many new PS4 owners that their system is now second best right when they just entered the Playstation Nation (felt weird typing that). I guess it's a matter of perspective, but it just seems wrong.
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