So I finally decided to start a blog about my gaming experiences, and I will try my best to not give asine opinions about fanbnois, gamestops, other common topics I've read. Instead I'll write my thoughts and goings on however random they maybe.
On today's agenda:
1: Customizing your gear. about a week ago while taking a break from a session of GH3 I noticed my Striker controller was both really bland and had some possibilities. so today I bought some paint and probably voided my warranty but it now sports the EVH pattern. Ill post a pic later. It's nowhere as cool as the boxmodded Xboxs, but cool none the less.
2: Musical choices in both games and adverts. Earlier tonight I a commercial for Assassin's Creed came on. I heard most of it having my eyes glued to another item, namely an article on the WGA strike. suffice to say, I was let down. Not by seeing an advert for a game, but said advert only had music and no dailogue. this is not a bad thing, but the choce of music is also the theme to House, and I thought that what was on.
3: this is just a quick one: of all the epic stories this world has to offer, why did Beowulf have to be turned into 300? as much as I want to see grendel's arm getting ripped off and beaten to death by said dismembered arm, It's just off putting for some reason.
ps: can anyone tell me how to get my avatar pic smaller? It's supposed to be Kurosaki wielding Tensa Zangets, but instead it's his armpit
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