Kill zone 2
by pesa11 on Comments
It's been so long that I posted here at New PS3 Games because I'm quite busy in updating my other blog which is SEO Guides. Anyways, after a long vacation from posting here I found another interesting game. New PS3 Games proudly present to you the upcoming hard sci-fi first-person shooting game, Killzone 2. As what I said a while ago, Killzone 2 is an upcoming first-person shooting game that is currently in development by Guerrilla Games. It was divided into two campaign, one is for single-player campaign and the other one is multiplayer. In the single-player campaign, Guerrilla Games see to it that Killzone 2 provides the player with an immersive and cinematic gameplay experience. Killzone 2 has a features a cover system which they named "lean and peek". This allows the player to take cover behind an object, and then pop out to fire at enemies. While in the multiplayer gameplay, a player can choose a ****of character which is specialized for a specific role to better suit the player's needs in battle. A player can mix 2 abilities out of 16 abilities(badges) depending on the player's playing **** A maximum of 32 players can connect online and group into squads of up to four players. Killzone 2 also supports a clan system, which allows up to 64 players to build a clan and compete for "Valor Points", it is an in-game currency that clans can use to bet on tournaments.Killzone 2 will be release on February 2009.