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peterz0306 Blog

Nintendo: worst conference, best long term perspective.

Even though I agree that Nintendo had by far the worst conference, I think that the Japanese house wins in a long term future.

I'm not thinking about the titles or the new dsi I am talking about money.

Microsoft's project Natal was incredible and really I felt like we did a big step in the future, and I also think that the controllers of PS3 are just fantastic, but how much will it all cost and when will sell them?

Nintendo, I personally believe, is concentrating more on the video game market and a bit less on the gamers.

So their strategy, to do small improvements but with smaller costs, will be more effective than thoses new Natal and Sony projects, because in this days with economic crisis, people tend to spend less.

Oblivion Tribute

After days and hours of "directing" editing and cutting I finally did it, here it is a tribute to one hell of a game that leaves a mark, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

It will ridirect you to xfire, because there I found the uploading quality I needed.

Max Payne 2 Tribute Video


Deep noir story, fantastic gameplay and one of the best titles that uses the satisfactory bullet time, the game was released in 2003, but still today after almost 5 years it is great fun to play. That's why I decided to do a short film tribute.

Buy new to play old

If you have a PC maybe you know what I mean. Graphic cards are fundamental to enjoy them at best, but with all this new technologies you see how new games rush to have better graphics, performances, visual effects and other. Of course this are a basic of competition and makes the whole market go on. There is just one big problem, the gamer. Some of us can afford to change the graphic card every year, or even the whole computer, but many cannot. Some of us wait and wait to buy a new one, and in the mean time there are lots of games that you would like to play but you just can't, you search desperately when that new graphic card will be more affordable, and when you finally buy it, you buy an old one, and this cycle goes on and on and never finishes. We, PC gamers, tell that we have the best systems, because of the mods, settings, and lots more things, and sincerely I am one of them and I'm not thinking minimally of buying a TV console. But we have this huge flaw, the hardware; meanwhile the console gamers can enjoy their console for years without changing it a bit, we struggle in the same years to have a good processor, a better graphic card, a less noisy or more efficient cooler system, we not only spend money on games but much of it goes on our upgrades. I know that consoles have also upgrades, but just for example gears of war 2 will run fluently on every type of Xbox 360, but X³: Terran Conflict will not run properly on high settings on everybody's PC, and you know how painful it can by playing a game on low graphics settings.


So what I want to say to the game industry is just to slow down a bit, I really like how graphics look today, and I do not need to be astonished every week with a new graphic enchantment.


To all the people that have the same problem I wish them to find their money or the way to upgrade their system and play their long dreamed games.


And I know that I will buy a new-old graphic card and play with great satisfaction X3 reunion at maximum detail level, but for now I will listen Patience of Guns 'n' Roses.


Good luck to everyone.

A brief history of consoles I own

1 ) Super Nintendo: First console I have ever seen and I had just one game, Super Mario World, but I never felt I needed nothing more.

2 ) Game Boy: finally I could play every where, and waisted ton of batteries

3 ) Play Station : Second game console for TV, I bought lots of games and some of them I will never forget like Tombi II, Tomb Rider II and Colony Wars Red Sun.

4 ) Game Boy Color : Thanks to a friend I had this console where I first played GTA

5 ) PSone : Just a nice change in shape.

6 ) My first PC: When I look at It now I see an old fart, a Compaq with 32 Mb of integrated video card memory, but still it was a basic well performing PC, it was then that I started to see what big difference there was between a PC and a console.

7 ) Game Boy Advance: I bought it because I wanted so badly Super Mario World pocket version, but from there I started to buy more and more, because It had really great games.

8 ) Game Boy SP: A great change of design and the display was finally retro illuminated, when I think of SP i think of Final Fantasy Tactics

9 ) Game Cube: Great console to play with friends otherwise I didn't play on It very often, the reason way I bought it was the game Zelda Ocarina of time that I always wanted to own and play.

10 ) Nintendo DS Lite: Just great, nothing else to say

11 ) My New Pc: Finally I could play on many games that would never run on the old Compaq, lots of research to find the right components; a dream that comes true.

When did it start?

Everybody started playing somewhere, some loved It from the first sight, others gradually maturated the idea that playing isn't so bad after all. But all of us gamers have something in common we all started somewhere.

My start was a very romantic ( of course just for me because it gives me beautiful memories) moment, that I hope I will never forget.

It was a cold winter night, I was a small child that still believed in Santa, and the world was all made of toys and lollipops. That night Santa came and left a rectangular package under the Christmas tree, what was that? A new car? A new book? I just could not wait to open it. And when finally time came I opened and found something really strange, it was a box where was printed a big title "Super Nintendo", and there was also a funny guy dressed in red and blue riding a round shaped horse, dinosaur?
Later that night i discovered that the guys name was Mario and that the dino was Yoshi.

Later that night my life changed forever.

Super Nintendo Super Mario World

Super Nintendo and Super Mario World, what great gifts!

And what changed your life? Comments are very happily accepted!

Is it your first time?

Well yes, I newer thought that I would ever write a blog, well a generic one. I really do not understand why people share their everyday information with everybody, anybody!
But fortunately this is not one of them, Gamespot is about games, and of course everything that is connected to them, so why not share my opinions, my thoughts about my passion, call it hobby if you like, i don't know I just love games. And no, not the way that I sleep with them, caress them in the night and whisper sweet words.
If you, like me play because you just like it, you will understand me.

So this is where it starts, and who know what will happen.