phanmn1 / Member

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Got Lulu's Venus Sigil

I just got the Venus Sigil in Final Fantasy X. I now have every ultimate weapon of each character in the game powered up to it's maximum potential. For Lulu's Venus Sigil, I had to dodge 200 consecutive lighting strikes in the thunder plains. This task took about an hour and a half total because I failed the first time when I was doing it and decided to try it again. The second time I decided to turn off the music on my television and got to 100 lighting strikes. After my first 100 dodges I decided to pause the game and rest my eyes and relax a little by going to eat a snack and watching my T.V. for bout 45 minutes. The other hundred dodges was simple then but as I got to 190 dodges my hand started shaking and my heart started beating very fast becasue I was about to achieve my goal. I dodeged more than I needed to and then stopped. My total was 235 consecutive!!! Dodges. Pretty cool. Now I have nothing else to do for Final Fantasy X. As for the other goals, I just want to finish all of my other games and then get new ones. But for my grand theft auto games, I want to get 100% completion for them all.