Just getting used to doing stuff on Adobe ImageReady a lot of the time. Photoshop doesn't help that much except for doing all of the effects and stuff. I really want to learn how to brighten up my picture editing skills and make my banners and pics have a glossy feel to them like they are 3-D or something but I haven't gotten the hang of it yet. There are so many things in Adobe Photoshop 7. Crazy!! If somebody could help me it would be great.
I learned how to make a new animation on my tags that I was making for my Final Fantasy and Devil May Cry Unions. Just making a fading animation and got it by accident. It does look cool though huh!
Dante slides down in front of Seymor and then fades away and the animation loops like that.
Pretty Cool Prettttyyy Cooool
And I almost forgot, I am taking drivers-ed tomorrow. I get to learn how to drive and pretty soon I want to get a job. Hopefully! My attempts so far have failed but never give up. Video games taught me that.
Review, Pics, Updates, Emblems, and more coming soon from yours truly