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If you can make it secure someone else can make it not so secure

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personally I thought there was less assortment of weapons in this game then the first....I still have the same sniper rifle I had at level 6 and I'm now at level 14 and every store I go to just doesn't have any weapons that are better.

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Edited By phantom3165

I call BS something bad must have happened at EA or their going to sell the company (EA) and it would take Bioware in a direction the two didn't want to participate in. This of course is my conjecture but would you quit completely something you loved and were so successful with? I could understand a hiatus or one of them leaving but both????

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2 points: AAA games going the way of the Dodo....WTF There are so many on the horizon they'll still be releasing them in 2016. I think it would help if he clarified what he meant by AAA games. CODMW isn't going to get cheaper nor is Bioware going to make smaller games. next point; EA ruining every developer they have in their stable....predict massive exodus as they slowly sink in their own pile of doodoo...

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what an interesting idea even though we are already organic machines that use pattern recognition and fuzzy logic to navigate through time and space.

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Edited By phantom3165

so in other words piss on pc gamers it's all about consoles....screw MS

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Edited By phantom3165

While I appreciate your input and agree with some of your reasons, Mass effect 3 was just poorly done in a cheap shot way to make a buck. They spent so much time building up this idea of choice and then took it away in it's most critical point in the game. Same for Dragon Age 2, some nice new ideas and art but you could tell it wasn't made with the same care as the first one and they paid for it with fan backlash. I'm all for innovation and risky ideas i.e. Borderlands last minute art change, but your reasons fall flat with both of your examples as they weren't really risky just implausible (Doom3's lack of flashlite attachment 50 years in the future...really???) and Bioware which seems to have just sold out to or is EA's bitch now. I don't want cookie cutter games anymore than the next guy but we all know what we want and expect from developers and it is very easy to see where they skimp on plot or crappy QuickTime events nausium...I think the real problem is games have become as big as Hollywood with big players backing these hugh productions that are controlled by egomaniacs (EA/Activision) that don't really know or care about what their audience wants and stifle innovation and risk takers to the point of making COD clones or whatever cookie cutter game is making the most M.O.N.E.Y.!!! Cd Projekt Red is today's Bioware from the past and I will spend my money buying games that chose to ignore customer polls and go with the riskier titles like the Witcher 2. Sorry I started ranting and I wish to bring this to a close so I'll say this to sum it up. As long as greed is the main motivator instead of really trying to do something special, without developers interfering with release dates or whatever else they have no business pushing on the creatives who bring us this awesome media, we will continues to see Gaming follow the same path as Hollywood with their BS regurgitation of used up ideas and empty popcorn mega releases.

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Edited By phantom3165

meh,,,I'll pass on Diablo3 it was a cool game 17 years ago for a very short time in my playlist. Duke nukem and Quake were much more fun than button mashing and loot hording. The only thing I really liked about Diablo 1/2 were the cutscenes. I'm waiting for Prototype 2 and Ghost Recon future soldier.

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Edited By phantom3165

I think it's sad we still haven't matured enough as a society to allow competing narratives and ideas beyond our own limited sets of ideas and beliefs. I have nothing against Biowares wish to include homosexuality as long as it's not thrust upon those who do not subscribe to it. I do however agree completely with the ire of those of us who are tired of being fed the same focus group tested, predigested, cookie cutter plots and blatant money grabs for corporations who already charge ridiculous amounts for shorter and more watered down, broken content......I think I've said all that needs to be said. This medium once had so much potential to unlock our creativity and our ability to convey new ideas or even create worlds we can interact with that are based on what we used to only dream about, and now, greed and narrow minds have moved in and ruined it.

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Edited By phantom3165

As long as there's a sucker there will be a snake oil salesman.....need I say more? I play games also but I do decide with my dollar....I played Skyrim on someones pc for an hour and decided to buy Kingdoms of Amonlur: Reckoning instead....I'm still playing Kingdoms and feel like I got my money's worth even though they do the same by offering 7 additional missions which, if you've played this, doesn't really feel like a bonus since the game is ridiculously huge by itself. Bottom line, you as an individual cannot be fleeced unless it's mutual so stop blamin the publisher for milking you dry when it is you the gamer that allows it.

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