Due to a damn power outage, my PC broke...again:| Thats probably why I haven't been on all weekend. Other reasons was for playing Phantom Hourglass and KH2:P
I guess a few things changed around here, which includes: Gamespot (GlitchSpot) getting more and more glitchier, Union (Pokemon Realm) growing in members, but not a lot of postingdone, friends changing their profiles, becoming ''different'' persons:P Not getting a lot of comments than usual, etc.
I'm looking for a change, when I mean change, I mean EVERYTHING. Like a complete profile makeover, getting more friends, get an idea for a daily blog, that'll be entertaining and it gets people to comment about it, etc.
I'm sorry to everyone, that right now I'm not acting like the responsible and active leader you all have on the TPR, school is getting to me:?, ignoring people's posts, not replying to my PMSs....I gotten lazy and irresponsible and I'll admit that.
Well due to what I wrote above, my mind is completely blank of what I want to write, so I'll think I'll just stop now...