Hi, if you don't like Anime, feel free to not continue reading this blog. I won't be held responsible for any of my outbursts as an Anime fanboy:P
Okay, now on to the question:
Does anybody know where I can watch Naruto English Dubbed? No, I already tried Youtube, stupid asses keep taking off the vids, and already searched through Google and found a great place to watch them, but its not completely full and the eps that I want to watch are not there. (mainly starting from ep 102 ending to ep 137 I think)
I just want to continue watching Naruto's transformation and the fight between him and Sasuke. That fight Kick ASS!:P
If anybody here can watch all of those eps, please tell me if you do, I appreciate it;)
[spoiler] This isn't against the TOS right? [/spoiler]