Heyyy everybody! Sorry that I haven't been these last two days. I'm busy playing Kingdom Hearts 2, and its awesome! Totally what I've expected from a Square Enix game! I don't got much to write, so I'll write my KH2 updates, don't read if you want to, I don't care, I'm just writing it to let you know how I'm doing...
Well for starters, I got the game Monday and played itfor a short time since I was hella tired, but right now I'm in Port Royal, lv 22, with the Monochrome Keyblade (from Timeless River), might be an ugly looking Keyblade but its pretty powerful:P. I'm more of a sword-fighting guy than a magic one. I only use magic for reflect and cure, thats the only thing thats useful to me. Donald can take care of the rest...I always use AP Boost on all my team since their abilities are pretty good. Right now, Soras abilties that I got equipped are Sliding Dash, Aerial Spiral, Experience Boost, Reaction Boost....and a lot more since I don't feel like turning on the PS2 now:P Support abilties are really helpful, but some are pretty weird, but hey, you customize the way you want, so its your problem. I can't wait to fight Sephiroth, and maybe I'll make a vid of the fight, but its pretty hard since I only got a webcam and my TV's hanging in the roof:?
Also, I got the Pie/Cake Emblem, sadly this emblem is only temporary, so if you're looking for one, ignore this one, but if you want to know how to get it anyway, feel free to comment on my blog or PM me, I'll gladly tell you. My emblems keep dissapearing, first it was the tagger leader emblem, but as you see, it came back. But today, my GC Aficionado emblem dissapeared, I hopeGamespot fix these damn glitches..but hey, it isn't nicknamed GlitchSpot for nothing:)
Well, if you saw my blog title, yup, look at my new avatar, beleive it or not its from Naruto, it doesn't have anything to do with the Anime, because that pic is called ''Dark Kyuubi'' so someone made it up, but they did an awesome job! To some, it may startled you at first:lol:. I got a knack of uploading scary icons, its pretty fun and I like buggin you guys, feel free to PM me and comment about it, I appreciate it;) I might change the icon again since I saw other good looking ones, but for the rest of this month, I'll have this for now...
So remember guys, I won't be here this weekend, if you read my last blog, I'm going to a hotel with my family for vacation, and I won't be here Friday til Monday! Thats all I got uptil now, later;)