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Officer Job Interviews

Yeah, our Union called the Super Smash Bros. Brawl Union needs more officers, it may look like we got enough when you look at it in the first place, but the true thing is, only NBAmaster30, who is our leader, blueflamedino and me, who are Officers, are the only ones posting topics and Updates! So if you're interested, feel free to PM me or the leader. We need people who are dedicated to their responsobilities, like posting entertaining topics, keeping control of everybody (like spamming, trolling...)

We're also looking for people who are artists that can create userbars, tags, and also create a bar identifying each update, for example: Union News, SSBB Dojo Updates, Weekly Update. Our Union is going nowhere,only 3 charter members are only working (the ones shown above) and everybody who joined, its like they joined for no reason, they never comment, make new topics, or anything! We busted our **ses working in this Union, and you guys don't care! Come on, guys don't be like that! We appreciate every help that you can give us...

So, if you're interested in taking the Job, PM me or the leader, and tell us what you can do for our Union, also if you know someone who isa great artist, tell us right away! We really need those guys right now! Later! and thanks for everybody joing our Union!;)