Wassup everybody? Well yeah, the feeling I haved all this time is suddenly over, I'm now feeling the stress and knowing that I got to sleep and wake up early and be caught in traffic like every damn day of these months:evil: These two and a half months went by like THAT! I hate it when time flies when your having fun, studying time feels like an ETERNITY! I will miss you all and coming here to GS every day! BUT, you know that I will be here all weekends, when I have free time obviously. If some of you don't know, I start school this Wednesday, so I'll be here for those last 2 days,today I won't be here since I got a bowling tournament on another city. Its like a 2 and a half hour road trip, so if you want to talk to me tomorrow, you know that I won't reply:P
Anyways, to all of you Megaman fans, this tuesday, Capcom will release his new game, and its separated into three different versions:
I hate it when the pictures go vertically instead of horizontally, it might be the size, but whatever. This game is like a spin-off of Megaman Battle Network, but I liked the game very much and I might pick one of these version one day, Ome thing that I wanted was WI-FI, but as you can see, theres no WI-FI Connection Circle in the Boxart, so my hopes were screwed, and that dissapointed me a lot. I might get Dragon since is an exclusive version said to be the best one, also because they're not make a lot of copies of the game, so I might get it cause of that!:P
I pretty much like to talk about games now since there is nothing going on with my social life now...
Obviously this vid. is about SSBB, and this games betting better and better with each update! The game will come December 3rd, 2007 (Obviously I will get it for Christmas, I got this knack of not playing new games until I finish school so they can not get in the way of my studies and lowering my grades, boy I am a geek amI:|)
So now its been past midnight already, so since I won't be here today , I just want to wish a Happy B-Day to ChaosRyder665! May you have a great day with a lot of new games andlots of money:P Maybe you'll get you a Wii:lol: You never know right?:P
So see you all tonight and I'll try to enjoy these last two days, I'm still very pissed about that, I don't want summer to finish now, if they could just give us a few more weeks, I'll appreciate it:P, but I'm getting WAY ahead of myself, you won't believe the kind of school I got:| Later;)