I'll tell you guys the meaning of thetitle later, right now I have a bit of sad news, I only got 5 days until school, but its all good, I had a really good summer here on GS, made a lot of friends, participated on tournys, learned new things and features that will help me in the future, etc. Whats sad is that I won't be on GS every day now, you know, the damn problem with tests, quizes and annoying projects? But, somedays I migh procrastinate and be here most of the time:P Really, you won't believe the amount of stress I get everyday at school! It feels like you head wants to explode! At least I know that these 4 months will go like THAT! I will be looking forward to this Christmas, with the upcoming of really awesome games! There are so many that I don't even feel like writing them all
Well, at my Unions, the TPR (The Pokemon Realm Union) is going really well! We made it to 70 members tonight!:D So to those ignorants out there that don't like Pokemon and like to write insulting comments to the fans, you can just f*** off and mind your own damn business, I like Pokemon, so what? Do you care or something? I'm not forcing you to read this, so just keep clicking away...sorry for the outburst:P It was just something I wanted to say.
So on other news, a lot of my friends on vacation right now, but they'll be back soon, and also, I would to give a shoutout to two special people. First one is ChaosRyder665 who's having his B-Day this Sunday and since he won't be here for the rest of the week, I would to congratulate him now, so Happy Early Birthday Chaos!:) The second one is The_Inferno_Man who truly helped me a lot for my homepage and especially for my Union, with your help we can truly make the TPR bigger! Thanks dude, I really appreciate it:D
Okay to the meaning of the title ''Through the Fire and Flames'' is a song by the band DragonForce. Its sort of like a Metal Band, but the singer doesn't sing at all like Metal. This song is very special to me since it shows to never give up, not even on the most hardest events in your life, like they say in the song ''Through the Fire and Flames we carry on...''
On other news, I made it to Lv 15 - Nobunaga's Ambition. I also don't know where that phrase come from:P.Wow, getting more closer to the evil Lv 20, but now when I finished Lv 15 I'm arriving at the glich Levels, which are 16 or 17, that when you immediately arrived at that Lv it jumps you to the next level, now this is the best glitch that GlitchSpot had to offered me:lol: And also, with the Emblems, I'm still not working on them, I'm pretty busy with other stuff like getting my school stuff and working on my Unions.
So on gaming news, I still haven't bough Mario Strikers Charged, I don't have enough money, but pretty soon, I'll buy it! I just want to play it online so BAD! Anyways, hope you're training hard Chaos because I am training too, only one will be victorious, question is, which one? We'll see that next week:twisted:
Well, thats all I have to write uptil now, so enjoy the rest of your summer everyone! To me, its now over, but my time on GS will never be finished!:) Later!;)