Sooo I'm back from the doctors. It was a long boring day, first we started the day with breakfast, then we found out that the doctor won't arrive until 10:00am and we were there at like 8:30am. At least they were showing these classic Pixar movies like Monsters Inc. and Finding Nemo! Thank goodness that I brought my Ipod!
When it was my turn, the doctor checked the ''scar'' on my back and he wanted to move my fingers, jump until he says stop and sit and stand, it was pretty embarrasing, but I laugh while doing it, it was pretty fun.... He just wanted to find out if the sack or my back has affected any of my bone movements and everything. Good news, the scar is nothing more than a stretch mark! It happens to everyone so there is nothing to worry about:D
Next came the sack in my arm, I went to another hospital to take my X-Rays. I was stuck there waiting for two hours (again, thanks Ipod;)), but sitting behind me was a girl patient with Down Syndrome, she was annoying me with her claps and screams, but at the same time, I felt bad for her, you know...I went to the X-RAY and you know what happens next if I want to take my X-Rays, if you don't know, PM me and I'll tell you! This was the most hellish part of the day:|.
I'll get my plaques next week and hopefully the sack isn't growing a bit, so lets hope for the best! Anyway, it feels glad to be back! I'll see you guys anywhere, but not right now, I'm way tired, so I'm going to takea nap! (sorry guys can you blame me?)later!;)