Hey folks! I sure had a busy week. For the past 3 days me and a friend were doing yard work for a house that hasn't been lived in yet. We had to mow the lawn, trim the bushes, rake some leaves and bag up a lot of jagged sticks. But it was well worth it for $80 I'm about to receive from the people who hired us (Whenever that will be). It's been a while since I've done this much yard labor, but I got a healthy dose of exercise in the process.
Free XBLA download for a limited time? Well all I have to say is, Thank you Microtransctionsoft! The game is called Aegis Wing, this side-scrolling shooter is hella addicting, and with online co-op it's even more enjoyable playing with friends. Aegis Wing sorta reminds me of Heavy Weapon: Atomic Tank which is a 2D shooter with online co-op aswell, but Aegis is much better in my opinion. Personally I think Microtransactionsoft should hand out atleast one free XBL game every 2 months just for the fans. Because we "the consumer" are the ones enduring these 3 red rings of death (Not me though), paying for XBL, and paying for every piece of content under the sun, I mean give us a break please. But in Microtransactionsoft's defense, it is called marketplace, not free marketplace.
So, "The Beta" found it's way into homes this week via Crackdown. Too bad I'm low on cash to buy Crackdown at the moment, meaning I'm flat broke. The only complaint I'm hearing for people is graphically it's unimpressive, pretty much looking like a high-res Halo 2, but I've seen videos and I don't see the big deal. Knowing the graphical design of the Halo series, it's not really meant to be ultra realistic anyways and it seems everyone is expecting it to be like Gears of War...who knows, at the end of the day it's only a beta, right? Bungie will probably enhance the game even farther before release.
Also, I'm about to download skype so Denis, James, Art, CRich and others, be prepared to add me to the list. Phantomtech85 will be my skype name...obviously.