PC games are suppose to be around 10 bucks cheaper because the publishers are not paying the royalty fee to MS and/or Sony. Although, there is no question that pirated versions of games are much easier to get and use on PCs, that is not to say there is no piracy on console, it is just easier on PCs. regardless it is still weird to me how developers expect games to sell well on PCs despite being over priced, months late, and probably full of bugs and not optimized for PC. I actually believe publishers are caught in the hype resounding consoles, and forgetting a significant portion of their demographics; PC gamers. Another point, there is no way to tell how many of the people that pirate the games would have bought it if they could not pirate it. I suspect that even if companies were able to put a stop to piracy it may not translate into significantly higher sales. On the other hand, if they spend the extra money on marketing and optimizing games for PC's they would definitely see more sales. PC gamers are the gourmet of gamers we spent a lot of money on our systems and are generally older meaning we actually buy our games using hard earned cash and not allowance or Santa Clause (parents, grand parents etc...) meaning we more frequently research the game before making a purchase this results in fewer purchases of average and mediocre games.
Disclaimer: I own all consoles currently in the market right now and I enjoy a good game on any platform, however given the choice I would play all games on my PC except party/music games a la Wii