May you rest in peace Ryan, I have enjoyed reading and listening to you for almost 10 years. My thought and prayers are with his family and friends, especially the new bride who I can't imagine her sense of loss. Is there any way we can help his family during this difficult time?
@aloufika @MjnE I'll not buy it as it stands, but if they lick their own spit like they are doing with Windows massive update 8.1 and remove that garbage usage constrictions, I might buy it, but at that point I'll already have a PS4 and if there is no compelling exclusives on Xbox then no Xone this gen.
"You can game offline for up to 24 hours on your primary console" such arrogance. How Fkn generous of you M$ft allowing me to play on my own console a game that I own for 24 hours before you shut me down. Are you serious? just the idea of you "allowing" me to use my device for only 24hours before I have to renew the permission to use my console again from big brother Microsoft is not acceptable. you can take that Box and shove it up your One hole you arrogant mofos, oh and try to fit that WIN8 "without the start" button next to it...
OMG this guy have the logic of a 5 year old, how the heck did he passes the rigorous interview prepossess at MS?!? no you do not "not purchase a vacuum" and " not buy a mobile phone" you go and buy a PS4 and/or a PC where you can play off line online and when you want to play multilayer you do it for free. MS has its head so far up its a$s from the success of the 360 that they think they can force consumers into this "always on" crap. Didn't you learn nothing from PS3 struggle after the amazing success of PS2?!? I for one will never pay for multilayer or an always on device. Statement like "I want every device to be always on" are so re-tarded, it makes me wonder if this Orthy was dropped on the head as a child, or if is just high on some good stuff. Maybe one day he will grow up and realize the difference between always on and online capable.
The Wii U is selling a lot less then original Wii and N just cut their sales forcast for Wii by almost 30%. So even with the amazing Wii sales figures third party was not there beyond the first year or so. so we can reasonably assume; considering the even weaker sales Wii U; third party support will be almost none existent. We are seeing the start of it now as Ubisoft is not going to take the risk and make Rayman an exclusive for Wii U, they are even delaying a finished game so they can have one launch for all three consoles, a major B. slap to Wii U owners.
Weak third party support+ last generation graphics+ weak online multilayer support+ weak first party support at launch+ weak customer awareness= Wii U
I know that in a year or two I'll probably buy a used WiiU to play zelda and Mario than sell it back after I'm done with the two games.
@godofratz the examples of games that require you to use steam and are not published by valve are so many to recount here. MafiaII, Batman arkhamCity come to mind
@N0tYrBeezin @jeffrobin @luis4800 yes that is why all the manufacturers of cars and electronics and everything else are all on the verge of bankruptcy due to the 2nd hand market.
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