you dont annoy me with your comment control2000. I really dont care what you say, I was asking several one here seems to be able to answer anything about thier beloved halo. IF you HAD read it, you would see half that long post WAS about UT3 and its innovations in relation to the innovations found in Halo and why it got the score it did. I asked for justification. AND further more if you read it, you'd see the part where i said once upon i time i DID really enjoy the Halo series. Read the question before before you attempt a response geez.....And another thing, why do Xbox'ers have to go and report me for asking questions about the game. What, I cant ask people if they felt this game got the score it deserved? I cant ask what makes this game so popular?? You people are worse than the American government when it comes to your "ask no questions" policy. If im annoying you i guess i musta touched a nerve...sorry about that lil ones next time ill try not to hurt your feelings through the use of questions.
"Flat_Line_____ I see the features that bungie have started with filesharing and custom gametype downloads being the future for consoles having access to actual mods for other games." Its funny you say that because they didnt "start" anything. if you didnt already know, UT3 has full Mod ability. You will be able to install Mods made for the PC version, on the console version. THATS innovation. That alone is more innovation in a console game than we've ever seen since the jump to 16-bits. This coupled with the FAST play of UT3 in my opinion will make for a much better game. Also blood/gore UT is known for. I mean UT3 prolly wont outsell Halo or have as big an ad campaign, but i think when it comes down to gameplay and innovation, it should easily beat out Halo in fun factor. I bring UT into it because UT is probably the closest comparison in genre. So if you look at features and overall style of gameplay I think UT3 has potential to be game of the year. I mean ya Halo 3 has an in-game map editor..but thats nothing new ultimately, but installing PC mods on your console for UT which has such a huge modding community cant possibly be over looked by anyone. THAT my friend is innovation. When a game is in it's second + appearance, theres nothing to do but ADD innovation to the game and this is where I think Halo is hugely like every other Halo and every other shooter...they did nothing really. Aside from that, i found the game to be slow paced and BORING (ya i said it..but i actually felt that way) and i personally like the more believable, slightly more realistic sci-fi rather than the sometimes childish kind (this game would be acceptable on any Nintendo system past and present because its appropriate for a kids 6 and up). Lastly, I didnt find the graphics to be an upgrade from other halo's. So with all this, even if you think the story is the greatest (which its not because like i said, its been covered by a million movies and games --even games on atari), I dont understand why this game gets a 9.5. Again, I played it and although was a Halo fanatic at one point in my life, I couldnt stand to play this game for more than 45 minutes before I decided it sucked and was the exact same experience I had when i was back in highschool playing Halo 1. So Its times like these I think that gamespot is indeed payed off by MS ( i mean its not THAT far fetched right? MS is throwing money at everyone and anyone), if not fanboys of MS. Sorry but thats my opinion. Does anyone else (including those who own the game) think that such a high score for a game thats essentially a short halo 2 with a new menu and replays is a bit much??? Typically games only get that if like 70-80% of it is innovative and clearly Halo 3 does NOT have that percentage of innovation sooo whats the deal...
Is it just me, or would the ability to place vehicles/weapons wherever you want whenever you want while playing seem like it'd create huge dissadvantages while deteriorating the quality of the game? I mean yea it would be usefull/fun when you only want to make some sort of contraption to blow yourself up or create some other amusing mechanic to make "tricks" but what happens when your trying to actually play, and someone keeps dropping a tank on you?? or your being attacked by people who are being aided by one of these "editing monitor" people by having all the best weapons/advantages placed around them while your trying to kill them. I can see this feature getting out of hand and eventually, a flood of servers set up solely to just screw around via forge. Its like putting hacks and cheats into the game at the same time by allowing users to do this on the fly. I give Halo 2 more weeks before thats all multiplayer Halo is which will ultimatly be its demise. I mean take out forge, whatever Item the X button is, replay editor, and another cheesy chapter in the even cheesier story (i believe 1980-whatevers Space Invaders had the same plot) and what are you left with? Halo 1/2 with a new menu. We ask what is there to this game... and the response we ever get is Forge and Replays/screenshot. I mean is this it for the game?? Forge and Replays? People slept out in the streets to be the 1st to burn through the short single player campaign in a couple hours and share screenshots? Oh and another question, what is the max players in an online game?? Because my friend who has Halo 3 said 4, but that dont seem right...
Ya its kinda sad that this game needs this sort of article after so much hype and yada just less that 2 short weeks its like..."well, what now? uuuuhhh well i suppose you can play with forge for a while till that also gets boring". And this is the "best game"? I like gkclassof2005 wanna know what makes this game so good. Keep in mind i HAVE played Halo3. It was only for a short time before I got bored of it and left (about 50 minutes -- 2 rounds). In my opinion its the same as all the other halos but now with special defense things (whatever you wanna call the items used by the X button) Its still kind of slow, kind of childish, and still bland. its funny, I remember Halo 1 and 2 being much faster gameplay and more enjoyable (we used to play for hours after school), and now its like (20 minutes into it and im ready to eject the game). All im saying is theres nothing innovative about the game, its the same as the other 2, and the ending was not very good so why all the hype??
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