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pheartheninja Blog


I got a Wii!

Get it?!? Whee is pronounced like Wii!


Yeah, pretend you didnt read that, m'kay? - -'

Anyways, I now has a Wii and RE Darkside Chronicles.... Woot! XD

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

I've been watching Phantom's LP of Silent Hill: SH (channel:phantomXmizore;first vid of the LP:Pt.1 - Let's Play Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (Blind)) and my first impression is somewhat changing. I'm still very disappointed in the nightmare areas being replaced by ice worlds, and the lack of combat... But the concept is pretty cool. I can't really explain it... I hate the fact that this is a 're-imagining' of SH1, because so much is changed much of the plot doesn't fit into SH3 which is a direct sequel to 1. The lack of combat combined with the blue theme of it kind of detracts from the scare factor for me, and I hate that you now have to take picture of ghosts with a friggin' phone (Fatal Frame knock-off, anyone?) but I will admit the the running portions really add some tension. However, I can't really say too much about a lot of this since I haven't actually played any of it.

One thing that bothers me the most, though, is the blatant misuse of the wii motion controls. Three-fourths of the games 'puzzles' are nothing more that 'hold down A+B, then pull to unlock the door!'. However, there are a couple good SH puzzles, so it's kind of leveled out, as well as a portion where you literally use the motion controls to color a picture during a therapy session portion, which I though was neat.

I may get the game on PS2 eventually, since I don't have a wii. When/if I do, I'll probably post more and maybe review it for the site.


Just beat RE0 on easy mode, and Ill admit it was pretty cool. The bosses were shockingly easy, since I usually found myself just cornering them all with a shotgun (but as I said, I was on easy). The grapics are pretty good for a gamecube game, but, hey, it's resident evil XD I have to say, though, the controls are evil at times... Usually leading me into my death by the hands of a zombie XD

Oh, I beat Sly 3 again the other day, and it's still totally awesome XD Ill be LPing all the Sly games (for anyone who's interested), so check my channel every now and then:

Updates and ranting

Well, I got my games in... I was thinking about starting up RE4, but I was to tempted by RE0 and played that instead XD I've just gotten Billy and I'm not far in, but it's pretty cool so far. The controls are kinda hard to get used to, though.

Anyways, I was browsing the site a little, and decided I wanted to check out some stuff... I found there was a page that showed the highest rated games for whatever console you wanted. Seeing as how I'm a total sony fangirl and my PS2 is my most valued treasure, I wanted to see what they had as the best available on the console.

You want to know what they have as the best PS2 game ever made?

Tony Hawk 3.


First off, I don't know a single person who even has that game. Sure, not many of my friends are gamers, but a skateboarding game? You're gonna put that above anything else? Hell, I'd rather see a Final Fantasy game up there... And I don't like many Final Fantasy games! Nobody cares about Tony Hawk 3, I rarely hear about it anymore! What about all the PS2 games that people still actually, y'know... CARE ABOUT? Y'know, story lines, plot, character development?

And you know what's worse? The next two games are both GTA games, then NFL 2k3!

It's not until the 5th on the list that's actually something gamers actually care about, which is MGS 2. Why is that??? Urk... You have no idea how much this pisses me off...

I mean, why the hell does gamespot care so much about sports games? Almost the entire first page of 'top games for the PS2' is sports games! The only two that aren't either snowboarding, skateboarding, or Madden are MGS 2 and RE4... And RE4 is the last one on the page! GAH!

Ok, I'll finish up now, I guess. I'll be playing some Sly 3 tonight, maybe I'll post about it tomorrow. Good news it, my Sly collection is complete, pending the 4th game ^^

Resident Evil 4

I just posted yesterday, but seeing as how I'm getting RE4 in the mail today (the PS2) version) I wanted to say a few things about the GC version, which is what I've been playing recently.

I've beaten the whole thing (almost three times, actually... I'm on my third run, which is a pro mode run... Pro mode is hard 0_o) and I'm insanely pleased with it. I love almost everything about it... Accept Ashley XD

Oh, did anyone know Ashley is grenade repellent? A friend and myself were goofing off and threw an incendiary grenade at her in the very beginning (when you first get her) while we were at the bottom of the latter, and she was at the top. The grenade bounced off her shoe and flew right back at Leon's face... It was perfect XD

Anyways, back on topic, This game is insanely fun and innovative. I was especially impressed by the graphics, seeing as how I was playing it on a gamecube lol

I'll post again after I've had some time to play the PS2 version, and probably after I beat Separate Ways (that is, if the PS2 version has Separate Ways... I think it does, doesn't it?)

Well, I haven't been on here in forever 0_o

Heheh... ^^'

Well, new games coming in the mail, including Sly 3 and Resident Evil 0 and 4. WAHOO! >w>

New games aside, I'm looking for more good survival horror games. Anyone know any I don't have? Oh, and BTW, I don't have any next-gen consoles... I'm still back with the good 'ol PS2 and GC ^^ I has a DS, though... XD I also have all the onld consoles (by 'all' I mean NES, SNES, 64, PS1, and a broken XBox, even though that one's not 'older', it just doesn't work XD)


Meh, Im only posting this an an opening... More will be posted later if I feel like it XP