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Resident Evil 4

I just posted yesterday, but seeing as how I'm getting RE4 in the mail today (the PS2) version) I wanted to say a few things about the GC version, which is what I've been playing recently.

I've beaten the whole thing (almost three times, actually... I'm on my third run, which is a pro mode run... Pro mode is hard 0_o) and I'm insanely pleased with it. I love almost everything about it... Accept Ashley XD

Oh, did anyone know Ashley is grenade repellent? A friend and myself were goofing off and threw an incendiary grenade at her in the very beginning (when you first get her) while we were at the bottom of the latter, and she was at the top. The grenade bounced off her shoe and flew right back at Leon's face... It was perfect XD

Anyways, back on topic, This game is insanely fun and innovative. I was especially impressed by the graphics, seeing as how I was playing it on a gamecube lol

I'll post again after I've had some time to play the PS2 version, and probably after I beat Separate Ways (that is, if the PS2 version has Separate Ways... I think it does, doesn't it?)