Well, I got my games in... I was thinking about starting up RE4, but I was to tempted by RE0 and played that instead XD I've just gotten Billy and I'm not far in, but it's pretty cool so far. The controls are kinda hard to get used to, though.
Anyways, I was browsing the site a little, and decided I wanted to check out some stuff... I found there was a page that showed the highest rated games for whatever console you wanted. Seeing as how I'm a total sony fangirl and my PS2 is my most valued treasure, I wanted to see what they had as the best available on the console.
You want to know what they have as the best PS2 game ever made?
Tony Hawk 3.
First off, I don't know a single person who even has that game. Sure, not many of my friends are gamers, but a skateboarding game? You're gonna put that above anything else? Hell, I'd rather see a Final Fantasy game up there... And I don't like many Final Fantasy games! Nobody cares about Tony Hawk 3, I rarely hear about it anymore! What about all the PS2 games that people still actually, y'know... CARE ABOUT? Y'know, story lines, plot, character development?
And you know what's worse? The next two games are both GTA games, then NFL 2k3!
It's not until the 5th on the list that's actually something gamers actually care about, which is MGS 2. Why is that??? Urk... You have no idea how much this pisses me off...
I mean, why the hell does gamespot care so much about sports games? Almost the entire first page of 'top games for the PS2' is sports games! The only two that aren't either snowboarding, skateboarding, or Madden are MGS 2 and RE4... And RE4 is the last one on the page! GAH!
Ok, I'll finish up now, I guess. I'll be playing some Sly 3 tonight, maybe I'll post about it tomorrow. Good news it, my Sly collection is complete, pending the 4th game ^^