phezzy86 Blog
Officially confirmed!
by phezzy86 on Comments
Well this morning (well midnight to be exact), we finally found out the release details of the PS3...bout time too!!! :twisted:
March 23rd and at a horrible price of £425...:cry:...of course I went into my local game shop (conveniantly called GAME) and went in cause I had to change my contact details, so they could phone me to tell me when I could pre-order my PS3. When I got in there they told me that they'd started up a new list (good job I went in or I wouldn't have had a chance!) and to my suprise I was number 4 on the list!!! :D Yay!!! :D So that means that if that shop gets at least 5 PS3's in i'm gonna get my hands on one.
The greatest thing is, is that I was so low down on the other list for PS3's and now i'm number 4!...maybe my luck is finally changing...nah hahahaha...:P
But yeah i'm gonna book my extended weekend off (I have 4 days to use before April 1st and I got a whopping 22 days from the 1st to use when I see fit) and I will feast on the ridiculous amount of games that will be availiable arround our launch (30 in total)
As a side note I had a good day at work! :o I've litrally done nothing all day as i'm still im my training period and we got to finish early too! So yeah it's been a good day for something / someone spoil it for me any day's being too good to me as of late and I know this won't last much longer. :?
Anyway's Laterz - Phezzy 86
by phezzy86 on Comments
Happy Anniversary!!! To me!!! :lol: It's been exactly 3 years today since I joined Gamespot. I didn't even realise that! :oops: I think to myself what I was doing 3 years ago today and the answer would probably be skiving off in my IT lessons at college hehe... 8) 3 years later and i'm doing the same thing in my exact new job! Nah I kid, but yeah like I said last night in my other blog I knew it's be the fear of the unknown that played on my mind it's awesome at my new work place!
This is just another excuse to blog again over stupid things! But yeah happy anniversary to my gamespot loyalty and lets see what I have to say in a years time. Wonder if i'm still gonna be working where I am now...wonder if i'll be driving...I wonder...:o
Anyway's laterz :D - Phezzy 86
A new start....and an even quicker finish!
by phezzy86 on Comments
Well as you may (or most likely may not have read) the last blog I wrote I had made myself a few new years resolutions... as of writing this i've had some ups and downs thus far.
First of all the good news. I gotta job! Yipee!! :D So yeah tomorrow I start my new job at a local company as their admin, person thinggy...I think haha...yeah I haven't been given full details, as I have to go through a few days of training so that I actually know what i'm doing! So that means I gots some moneys that I can buy things with! New Consoles ahoy! Only problems is when I start something new like this i'm always nervous! I take nervousness to a new level. I get nervous at the littlest of things, like for example making new friends! I'm not the most social person in the world so it's gonna be difficult. Then again it always turns out that after a couple of weeks I always look back and think to myself 'why was you so worried?!' Maybe it's that fear of the unknown but I don't know...! :oops:
Now for the rubbish part. It seems that as of late i've not been so good at being reliable and all in all not too much of a good friend. So this is filed under commitments. To put it bluntly as of late, before getting this job I was asked by one of my friends to do a joint project, but I haven't been pulling my weight as far as getting things done at a fast pace. It's frustrating as i've been trying to do my best and try and get everything perfect but this further delays me. So now that I got this job it's gonna be even harder, but I really wanna do my best and not seem to others that I can't be bothered!
So yeah on one hand i'm stressed out 'cause I wanna do really well with this job and actually be honest that's not much different from my other hand! I'll say it anyway. On the other hand i'm stressed out 'cause I wanna do really well with this project I got goin' on and actually succeed. The only problem is that i'm getting stressed out and little things have been getting to me, and it's rubbing off on other people! :?
It's much easier to say this in a blog than it is to the people involved directly, as I always feel awkward having to explain myself to people directly, as we have a go at each other until I eventually yield and apologise. It's worse because it's happening with one of my closest friends. I just hope that everything resolves itself soon, 'cause it's really hard when you lose a friend over something so trivial. Plus when you rely on them a lot it's even harder to lose them.
So yeah it's been somewhat of a mixed emotional week! A new start, and a new job!!! but then again I've broke one of the simplest resolutions i've ever made and upset one of my friends's funny reallt, this whole blog could have been condenced into this one pargraph hahaha...:lol:
So anyway's till next time laterz - Phezzy86
A new year...a new start...
by phezzy86 on Comments
Well it's 2008! :D...yes I am fully aware that I said 2008 as I celebrated 2 new years so yeah, technically it's 2008. Long story but I had my new years then spent time with mad_tyger over the phone and we celebrated new years over the phone...:D
So what does a new year bring? That's right another excuse to make up resolutions that will probably be broken in the first day. As for me I plan on keeping mine. Mine are pretty simple accomplishments. Numero uno I want to successfully learn how to drive. I'm 20 now and can't drive so yeah, I think it's about time I do, but first...I need another job :cry:
Another one of my resolutions is to get into a carrer that I wanna do on a long term basis. So far i've been floating from job to job trying to find some sort of carrer path that I wouldn't mind getting into but so far...I got nothing! For years i've always wanted to do something with video games, so when I do get a job and I can fund the course i'm going to be taking a course that allows me to learn C++ so that I can program games. Plus the company that I'll be doing the course through will find me a job that is relative to the course i'm doing within 6 months of me starting, so if I can get on the course then I can finally do what I've wanted to do for a long time. So I plan on achieving that goal too.
Finally my last resolution will be to be better with my commitments. Yes that probably doesn't make sense but let me explain. Last year I wasn't particularly good when it came to keeping commitments and pulling through for people. I was kind of a let down last year. So hopefully this year i'll actually stick to something and I won't end up letting other people down through my own faults.
So yeah what's your news years resolutions for this year? More to the point d'you plan on keeping them? Or maybe you've even broken them already!
Well anyway i'm bored now and if you've read this far then chances are you will have been bored by this too :roll: hahaha. Anyways hope everyone has a good 2007...
Till next time laterz - Phezzy 86
P.S. Finished FMA for the DS last night...and I only got it yesterday too. I have to say that game is awesome. Short but awesome. The minigmaes are fun too. All I need to do is finish the game on hard difficulty and unlock a few more things. :P
This gaming holiday...
by phezzy86 on Comments
First of all i'd like to wish everyone a Merry Chirstmas and a Happy New Year! Anyway now that that's out of the way it's the holiday time again and that means that it's all about the gaming ba-by :D
I have a few games that will keep me going over the Holiday season such as:
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops (PSP) - This game is simply awesome and as i'm a massive fan of MGS then I feel this is a perfect fit for not just a PSP game but I personally think that this is one title that has been needed for a long time to come out after the decent-ish MGA games.
Guitar Hero 2 (PS2) - Sure this game has been out for a while now but I feel that this will be one of those games that will keep people entertained for ages...specially me! I got my cousin into buying this game and apparently we're gonna be doing some sort of marathon on that game on Christmas Day. Should be interesting as i'm on Expert and he's only on Easy hehehe. Never the less Rock This Town is kicking my @$$ so I wanna try and get past that so I can try finish the game. I also noticed that you unlock as a special guitar if you get all songs perfect on Expert!...Ok that's never gonna happen so I challenge anyone to get 100% on all of the Expert's not gonna happen.
Smackdown! VS. RAW 2007 (PSP/PS2) - So I complained about this game a couple of blogs ago noting how awful all of those audio faults were in the game. Well I was stupid enough to buy the PSP version today and at least it doesn't have commentary during the matches so no audio problems...YAY!!! So I might be able to put up with this game.
Any other games we'll have to see if I get any for Christmas. Maybe I will maybe I won't. I have been hinting *wink wink* to my mum for a long time for a Wii, or another console...:roll:...yeah that's not gonna happen lol. I have been buying a whole load of Manga and normal books have been bought for me as well! :o I don't read...I might read some of them over the holidays. We'll see...
Anyway's i'm off to go play games! Apparently it's dangerous territory if I say Merry Christmas for reasons unknown but um...who cares!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Casino Royale = Best Bond film EVER!
by phezzy86 on Comments

Another Random Rant This Time...
by phezzy86 on Comments
Ok now this game came out in the UK this Friday (10th November) and I know that it doesn't come out till the 14th? Yeha I think it is anyway. So this is my sorta review of it if you'd like.
Upon getting it home I had a high antisipation for this game. I placed the disk within the confines of the PS2 and turned the power on. As it loaded up I was sat comfortably awaiting the title credits. I sat through the training videos so that I could actually play the game seen as the mechanics of that game have been totally changed and all the grapple moves revolve around the right analogue stick instead of pressing the Square button...annyyywaayyy...
Notable mistakes ok let's see where to begin? Ok first match was HHH Vs. Edge at the Royal Rumble. I waited for the match to load (which takes ages!). As I like the entrances somewhat more than the game itself I sat back and watched. When I heard HHH's music hit and the crowd cheer I got goosebumps and heard the voice of Lilian Garcia announcing his name...only to have Tony Chimmel standing in the ring?! Yes it sounded / looked as if Tony Chimmel was half way through a sex change but only his voice had changed.I thought it was funny and a tiny glitch so I thought nothing of it. Edge came out and again I heard Lilians this point I just couldn't bear to watch the entrances as it weirded me out too much.
After finally starting the match and trying to get over what had just happened I started to practise for myself the new mechanics of the game. As I was beating Edge from one side of the ring to the other, I was happily listening in to what Jerry 'The King' Lawler and Jim 'JR' Ross had to say. Then all of a sudden they started talking about the big red machine! Now for people who don't watch wrestling that would be Kane...not HHH. So I thought nothing of it until I delivered the Pedigree and it was announced as the chokeslam...Does anyone not notice a problem here? Let's see other noticeable audio problems. I was doing one of the challenges that was given to me. It was a hardcore match, a rematch from Wrestlemania 22 (Edge vs. Mick Foley) as I was pounding on Mick Foley with a steal chair what would I hear JR say? "STUNNER, STUNNER, THE STONE COLD STUNNER!"....WHAT?! So many audio problems with this game it's unbelieveable. I can't hack it?!
So far there haven't been any major glitches with the game, but as I was sat there playing the game I couldn't help but think that they'd been fousing more on the 360 version to get that perfect rather than focus on all platforms and get the game to a suitable level to where fans of the series wouldn't find these somewhat slight audio problems to very VERY ANNOYING! If I hear anything else I'm gonna break that stupid game in half...
Oh and hears a tip. For those that like listening to music but haven't bothered to unlock the locked characters but want to listen to their music. Go to the Create an Entrance section and choose any character. As you're sampling the music the superstars entrance will play in the background and when it's finished it'll loop around but the music will change to whichever superstars music you're highlighting. All you need to do is highlight said locked characters name and wait till the end of the entrance and hey presto you can listen to it without the need of unlocking it....They really need to go back to the Here comes the Pain era...that game was good!
Well I'm off to find more mistakes and it probably won't be that hard to fact I guarantee they'll find me!
So till next time, Laterz - Phezzy 86
P.S. Hopefully I can become a total acess member soon so I can put all this onto video and upload it...hopefully...
PS'ed off with Sony
by phezzy86 on Comments
So i'm trying to avoid swearing right now, hense the clever title. Trying to avoid saying i'm p**sed off with Sony I thought i'd say PS' in both that meaning and get what i'm on about...
Well everyone's heard that Sony has delayed the release of the PS3 over here in Eurpoe until March 07...all I can say is...Predictable.
Now I really like Sony and I have owned the original Playstation and reluctantly gave it up to make room for my awesome PS2. I then swapped that for a Slim-Line and haven't looked back since. I got my PSP (off of ebay) so that I could have the portable PlayStation experience.
Now it me or have I seen this tactic before?...hmmm...:question:...oh yeah! that's right they did the exact same thing for the PSP...that's why I had to get it off of ebay. Now I remember! Why is it that Europe is ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS LAST!!! Seriously!! It must be a case of Sony thinks that Europe isn't as important as the rest of the world. PSP delay some rep from Sony said that the delay of the PSP in Europe was 'necessary'...yeah and there would a 'slight delay' on the release...we got it 5 months later...that's not a slight delay.
And now we see it again...another delay and again it's Europe that gets left to wait even longer for something that was originally supposed to come out before summer this year...I also notice that there is not as many PS3s coming out in the US as was originally said. I mean in total between the US and Japan there is only half a million instead of the supposed 1 million for launch...or was it 2? I forget all I know is EUROPE LAST AGAIN...YAY!!!...:evil: What else is to be said...nah i'll leave it at that...
...Oh I know, one last thing. Last thing to say is Good Luck to those eager fans of the PS3 because with just 400,000 in the US...all I know is that there's more than 400,000 American yeah...Good Luck! - Phezzy 86
Bout time!!!
by phezzy86 on Comments
Ok so yeah I haven't blogged in a while :S...Ok never hahaha. So since i've left the whole feeling sorry for myself stage (after having to leave the U.S.) i'm moving onto...well I don't know what i'm moving onto, but it involves buying a whole load of games and stuff. So yeah since I got back i've been working but now I have a whole week off to do with what I like. So last week I decided to buy a...Nintendo DS Lite :oops:. Yeah I had an original version but had to sell it on to someone else because I needed extra cash for my that sounds sad lol. But I got a new DS Lite and i'm having no troubles with it. I bought Metroid Prime Hunters and then a day later I got Resident Evil: Deadly Silence. Resi Evil DS is a LOT of fun. What other game can you find where you have to blow into a mic to give someone mouth-to-mouth resusitation? Yeah it's the little things like that, that give the gamer a new depth to their games, rather than pressing buttons you have more involvement in the game. Touching things and using the mic for such trivial things like blowing out candles is BRILLIANT!!!
Ok moving on before I got my DS and games the week before I got LocoRoco and Me and My Katamari for the PSP. LocoRoco in the UK is a 3+ rated game...I seriously think that this game should be targeted for like 18+ gamers, as I see no one of the age of 3 actually being able to do anything in the game cause it's so friggin' HARD!!! Ok so I got most of it complete but finding those stupid bloody Mui Mui's is a pain!!!...ok I need to carm down. Me and My Katamari I haven't really played much but am planning on starting it soon.
I just bought Prey for the PC and that game is both weird and shockingly good. The whole portal thinngy is weird but it's fun, lol. For buying Prey I got a copy of Serious Sam 2...that games funny...all I have to mention is the farting secret in the second level and I giggle to myself...
Yesterday I also bought Half Life 2 and Half Life 2: Episode 1 for dirt cheap so I thought ah why not. Well ok seen as this is my first blog here on Gamespot I need end it in a special way...hmmmm...
While I think about that decent tagline to put at the end of my blogs i'll just say, 'till next time, laterz :D - phezzy86
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