phoenixDS / Member

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Blew my mind away!

I just thought I would tell you all about this absolutely amazing musical experience I had yesterday. As some of you may be aware of I am a bit of a drum and bass junkie, my fav act being Pendulum. Well i have been listening to their album for the last 7 or 8 months now and still cant get enough of it. But for the last few months there has been something missing in my life, and i couldnt quite put my finger on it. Yesterday i went to my friend Tim's house and he played me this absolutely insane Penulum mix simply called Pendulum Essential Mix. And i can tell you now, if you had seen me when i heard it, you would have thought i were insane because i went totally nuts when i heard it. It 100% blew my mind away. I cant stress this enough! The mix goes for nearly two hours which is quite a bit more than the album did. The good news is you guys can experience this too!! Its free to download, and I highly encourage anyone who is into dnb or even dance music in general to get a hold of this and just go nuts. For me, i would say this could even be life changing, thats how good it is! lol maybe im over-rating it but it really does kick ass!

Here is the site:

Well thats it from me today, the weather is really nice outside so i think i wont waste it and ill go for a bike ride or something.

Peace everyone.