Hey guys. You may or may not have noticed my absence over this last week...I apologize for not coming on at all, but i started work this week and they have been working me like a mofo! I have discovered that i have these muscles in my legs that I never knew i had...and they hurt like hell! Anyway, the job has been lots of fun, ive made a really good friend there..which im surprised at. I really wasnt expecting there to be anyone there that i get on this well with. I am getting paid in four days so im going to go on a spending spree! probably get a game boy micro, a few gba games, a couple of nes games if i can find any i like, and hopefully the New Super Mario Bros! Anyway, how have you guys been? anything crazy going on in the videogame world that i may have missed out on?
Well i have tomorow off as well so you may see me on here or something, anyway im gonna go crank some mario bros 3.
Peace out.
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