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Thanxgiving left-overs

I got way too much food for my thanxgiving dinner, so I have been eating turkey sandwiches, mashed potatoes, pumkin pie, and much, much more(chinese food). I don't mind the chinese food at all because the only thing I love more than Chinese food, is Thia food. Now I am so sick of turkey that I have been actually been enjoying mini-corn(I dispise mini-corn). Now I have to look forward to Sinterklaas(dutch equivalant of Christmas) for even more food. And because I also celebrate Christmas with my American friend, I get to look forward to more food, and who can forget New Years for more food. I am going to skip all that food and eat Pad-Tai, and fried rice instead, because I will never stay inshape after this holiday, if I eat like I've been eating.

PS: Fable II = still not working.