I went to a baby shower with my mom last Sunday. It was for a co-worker, that lady that everyone can envy and adore. She had a really nice house, but some of those baby shower games were weird. Like melting chocolate in a diaper and smelling it to determine which chocolate is inside. It really looked like poop. I couldn't look at it.
My mom got her co-worker a red baby jumper outfit from Japan that said "golden child" and a sushi yukata. Everyone loved the baby jumper outfit. Its basically a baby's outfit with two straps attached that you can yank to make your baby jump like a baby jumper would. Japanese are so clever. At restaurants, they have a buzzer that you can call your waiter with whenever you need them. Its not complicated. Its genius that they came up with it when we have to wait for our waiter to come over.
The cake was very strange, it had a very thick icing that was rippled so it looked like a colorful cloth covered the cake. Aside from the overly thick frosting and raspberries, it was good. Everyone was very nice. And we got party favors with candy hearts and marshmallow shaped peppermints.
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