Hi again, its me, and I had another incident on Distant Horizon. First I met a delightful person at Distant Horizon named wyrmking- very insulting and rude. As you probably know, I have a history of bashing Katara- something I have tried to overcome. But that doesn't mean I won't comment on her when I talk about an episode. Like "The Runaway" which was about Toph and Katara, I can't help it if I comment about Katara when the episode mostly concerns her and delves into her character. Yet when I talked about her, wyrmking comes along, calls me biased and that my opinion doesn't count!
Yes, you can't see the conversation so what I say is probably biased but the gist of the conversation is me being treated like c**** for not liking Katara. I wasn't being completely unreasonable... I admitted that I liked Katara in "The Puppetmaster" an episode which I adore, yet I despise her in "The Runaway" because it was such a poorly handled episode (not a surprise). But wyrmking disregards that and treats me like a mentally handicapped juvenile delinquent!
And it's not just wyrmking. Remember BardChild, I met that b**** because I was ranting about Katara (ranting not commenting) back when I had no control over my temper and I went into random, endless, and violent rants about my hatred for Katara. I cooled (eventually) and stopped going into random rants unless I was talking about an episode in which Katara was largely featured.
So what, I can't even comment on her when I didn't like her without someone coming along and biting my head off. No one would bother me if I talked about Azula, Mai, Zuko, or even Toph like that; only Katara. Why? Because she is meant to be so great and nice, so if I talk badly about her, I get my head bitten off! No seriously, I see people talk negatively about character but no one verbally assualts them. I guess its my c***** karma.
Even though I don't like Katara I don't have a one sided view of her... okay, my dislike largely omits myself from admitting positive aspects of her character but truly, now the reason I don't like Katara is because the episodes that largely feature her character are really bad: "The Awakening" just plain confusing with her there and the episode itself was handled terribly, "The Painted Lady"... really bad mild fan service which did not contribute to the plot, "The Runaway" ruined my hopes for a Katara and Toph fight and just made me feel ill. Other episodes such as "The Headband" where Katara was jealous made me smile since she wasn't kicking butt for teenage girls and was just a teenage girl herself, she didn't have to be a hero; "The Puppetmaster" is my favorite third season episode and Katara only made it better with her relationship with Hama- freaky episode- I actually pitied Katara in the end whereas if this was a bad animation episode I would merely roll my eyes because undoubtedly the episode would have been handled so badly that I wouldn't feel bad for Katara at all. The fact that she plays such a big role in all of the bad episodes leads me to comment on her, that can't be helped. Other episodes such as "The Headband" she had a relatively minor role but was also featured yet she didn't annoy me.
I wouldn't meet such- jerky people here. When someone mean and rude comes along, they can be removed swiftly if enough people complain, not at Distant Horizon. Jerks flourish. I know I sound biased (just like wyrmking said) but if you've been there you'll understand how easy it is to be verbally attacked. I merely state my opinion about episodes and people have to analyze each word and (rudely) rebutt my statement as if we're having a debate.
I suppose I somewhat deserve all the rebutting comments given how blunt I am with my comments about episodes, but its not fair to take every word so seriously and then lash out at someone for actually having an opinion.
"Katara was really annoying this episode. Fan service galore."
"You're biased and so your opinion doesn't count."
I may just abandon Distant Horizon. I get too obsessed with Avatar to the point where I annoy my parents (and they pretty much tell me so); the rude people there are just not worth it. I may visit every once in a while since I like Avatar so much but I don't plan on sticking around long.
Actually, I probably won't return there since I ended a conversation with wyrmking rather angrily so I probably will get in trouble there. But it is for the best, I will miss conversations there since Distant Horizon is so organized (and not full of newbies- ahem) but TV.com is somehow much more friendly and not full of crazy jerks.