I have a 32" Sammy, and I'm not gonna lie:
Last gen looks flat terrible on it. Atrocious. Abominable.
I've noticed the PS2 looks the worst out of the bunch, but I've heard this is due to the PS2 not being locked in with any specific resolutions. Instead of simply 480i/p, there are all sorts of wacky rezes on PS2 games that make even more scaling necessary.
On top of that, I'm still not 100% sold on the benefits of LCD over a good old-fashioned CRT display. CRT's have deeper blacks, no smearing, clouding, or ghosting. And as for plasma? Forget it. Does the ideaof having lifebars and HUDs permanently burnt into your screen sound appealing? If not, forget even thinking about a plasma at this point.
My advice would be to hold off on purchasing an HDTV if all you're going to play on it for the immediate future is PS2 games. The prices continue to drop and the tech continues to improve (just look at the difference in contrast ratios these days, 8000:1 was good last year, while now you can find 15000:1 ratios).
And watching cable television looks like absolute butt on one. Sure, you can pay an extra twenty bucks a month for a hi-def cable box, but that doesn't change the fact that standard def programming (which constitutes 98% of the channels you'd be getting, even WITH a hi-def box) look like butt on a hi-def display.
yeah maybe ill wait for the holiday season. out of college working with some extra money now. the rumor of $399 40 gig model with spiderman 3 blu-rays really got me tempted. well see if that pans out. youre right about the new tv's looking like butt. my cousin has a sony bravia. and i hooked up my gamecube on it to play RE4. looked TERRIBLE. on a $3000 tv.
So im guessing unless i have a ps3 with hdmi cables, anything else will look just as bad.
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