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phubbadaman Blog

I'm blogging about Harry Potter, spoilers sure to be included

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was a pretty good book in my opinion. The worst part was clearly the epilouge, where Rowling decided she didn't really need to explain anyone's future to us except for Neville. Snape was the best character throughout the books and was clearly a good guy. Dumbledore trusted him and Dumbledore was no fool. The book was a bit slow when the 3 were running around camping every which where, but the last half was action packed and filled with drama. I'd give the book a 9.5 out of 10.

Love and Peace!

Blogging about video games is fun

So I've been playing my DS pretty non-stop for about the past half-year. I received so many video games over Christmas/my November birthday and I don't like to buy games that I don't play. Right after Christmas I was playing the Wii a lot. Wii sports and Zelda were taking up a lot of my time, but between work and going back to school, I couldn't stay into Zelda. Not sure why as I loved Zelda on the Gamecube and 64. Something about this one just didn't pull me in though. I know I was about to receive the ability to breath underwater wherever I was, oh yes, the flaming caravan chase thingy. That is where I stopped playing and lost interest. One day I'll have the time to sink into it.

The DS though has been my good friend. I don't remember all the games that I've beaten recently, but its been a few, mostly GBA games that I had never played. I'm currently working on Breath of Fire 2. The game is ok, but the translation is pretty bad IMO and makes the game a little less enjoyable. My plan is to catch up and beat every gameboy/DS game that I have. I don't have too many more to play but some of them are decently long games, so it takes a few weeks since I only get to play an hour or two a night. I don't plan on getting too many more games this year. Luminous Arc DS, LOZ: PH DS and probably FF12 even though I haven't played them since 7. For the Wii, I will 50/50 get Metroid, and definitely get Mario Galaxy and SSMB Brawl. Luminous Arc doesn't come out for about a month, so I hope to beat a few more games before I pick that up.

Life is good, Summer is hot.

Love and Peace!

Another blog post for no one to read!!!

Well, my first full semester of Business School is over, so I'm back at work for the summer and I've gotta kill some time here at work, so another blog post on Gamespot. Haven't posted here in forever! I was able to do a lot of gaming during my semester because I was home alone a lot and only had classes 2 days a week. I've been mainly playing my DS and surprisingly I haven't played my Wii much at all. I think that will change when Smash Bros comes out. I kinda lost interest in Link, not sure why as I thought it was a great game. I just don't think I had the time for that. I prefer to pick up a DS game that is a bit shorter and I can save after an hour and feel like I accomplished something.

Right now I'm just finished pokemon Diamond. Took me almost 55 hours to beat it, but I did catch over 100 types of pokemon by the time I finished the game. Lots of WFC trading. It's pretty fun except that everyone wants to trade their level 1 cascoon for a 100 Dialga. Currently I'm playing Etrian Odessey and I'm on the 5th stratum. My level I think is about 55. A fun game, I've enjoyed it.

I think the next game I'm going to play is Starfox for the DS. I never did beat MPH, so that one could be soon as well. My goal is to beat all the DS games that I have and then maybe play some old GBA games I never beat(Breath of Fire, which I beat for SNES, but not GBA) or move on to a few Wii games that I have. Either way, the DS is by far my favorite console. All the classic games(where is Chrono Trigger!!) and the stylus adds a lot to the experience. No Xbox 360 or PS3 for me as I'm a poor student right now, but neither system really intrigues me at the moment either. I've considered maybe becoming a PC gamer, but again, I'm poor and my computer is a not totally up to date on the new games. Although I'll probably never play a MMORPG again(I played WOW for awhile) I want to get the LOTR online so bad.

Ok, I've rambled enough and I actually have a little bit of work to do.

Love and Peace!

Hey, 15 people have viewed my profile now!!!

So I got the Wii for Christmas and its really fun, I've had no difficulty with the remotes at all.  Getting online with the WiFi connector I previously had bought for my DS was a breeze.  I've only played Wii Sports(bowling and golf is where it is at), a little Super Monkey Ball and about 2 hours of the new Zelda game, which is very fun and I"m already addicted.  Too bad I don't have time to play it to my hearts content.

Sadly, I still have all those DS games that I got for my birthday a month ago, so right now I'm in video game purgatory.  I have so many games and I want to play them all and I'm trying really hard to play one game and finish it before I start another.  Currently I'm working on Link on the Wii, on my DS I'm playing Metroid Prime Hunters and also a GBA game, FFV.  I'm close to beating FFV and I'm 50% done with MPH.  Hopefully I can knock those two out before I finish Link and I can move on to more games!!!

Love and Peace!

Another Blog entry for the 5 people who have looked at my profile!!!!!!!!

Well, I've had more time to play my gameboy ever since I stopped playing DOTA on Warcraft 3.  I played a lot of Mario Hoops 3v3 and unlocked just about everything.  I need to do a little multiplayer this weekend to finish unlocking some stuff.  I have so many DS games that I still need to play, I decided to start up with one of the first games I got, Metroid Prime Hunters.  I've finished 3 planets so far(first time through) and I'm enjoying it although every board is a bit similar and bosses are similar.  Very good DS game so far though.  I might be a little late to jump into the WiFI world of battling, but I might try once I finish up playing my other games. 

I haven't quite finished up FFV for the GBA yet.  I've gotten all 4 tablets so I have all the legendary weapons, and I'm in the void, which is the place where the final boss is, but I find myself unmotivated to finish playing it.  One reason is I went in with only 1 cabin, so I really need to leave so I can heal up, but I wanted to see how far in I could get, so far I'm have defeated 2 bosses, but I'm going to have to exit and run through it again.  I should probably finish it so I can concentrate on my DS games. 

I'm excited about Dragon Quest coming to the DS.  I don't know much about the series, but if they are similar to the oldschool Dragon Warrior games, which I played when I was younger, I'm eagerly anticipating its arrival. 

Love and Peace!

Birthday Video Games

Great birthday for video gaming.  I'm a huge RPG fan and I got all the new DS RPG's, even if they didn't get great reviews.

Children of Mana


Magical Starsign


Final Fantasy V for GBA

I'm currently playing Final Fantasy V, I just got through the werewolf town on my way to get some Dragongrass in Galuf's world.  I'm about level 25 I think, its all going ok so far.  I plan on buying Final Fantasy 3 this weekend, making my gameboy playing a must. 

I also got some DVD's, Resevoir Dogs, Galaxy Quest and Seed of Chucky; in my opinion all great movies. 

These were all just presents from my girlfriend who I live with, and I'll be celebrating my birthday with my parents over Thanksgiving.  Didn't ask them for any video games, so hopefully I'll get some stuff I actually need in life. 

Love and Peace! 

About me

Well, this is my first blog post and I'm sure in a matter of moments, I will become the most popular poster on Gamespot and you all will be coming to me for advice on life. 

I'm turning 25 in a week and a day.  I currently work full-time at a bank and I started my first semester of graduate school this year.  In about a month, I plan on quitting my job and going back to school full-time and I can't wait.  While graduate school is no joke or pushover, working and going to school is a drag and I have no idea how people do it. 

I like to read as much as I like to play video games.  Stephen King is my all-time favorite author, and I recently read ASOIAF by George RR Martin and it easily became my favorite series. 

Fantasy is my favorite genre, so RPG's are usually the games I like to play.  FF3(in the US) and Chrono Trigger are my all time favorites, with a shoutout to FF Adventure for the gameboy.  You could beat it under 24 hours if you knew it as well as I did.

I don't get to game as much as I used to, but I think that will change once I quit work.  Right now the only video game I play is Warcraft 3, I play DOTA on  I'm not awesome, but I can do pretty well.

My goal is to open up a video game store within the next 5-10 years, but I don't know if I'll ever do it.

So if you want to chat about books/movies or videogames, those are the things I like.  If you want to chat about the NFL, know that I'm a huge NY Jets fan. 

Love and Peace!