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phucvantran Blog

new banner

After a recent HD crash :cry: i had to reinstall somethings again, after reinstalling PS, I made me a new banner.  Oh and collosi killer your banner is coming soon. what's everyones opinion of my new banner :D

If you can't see it here is the a link to the  banner

leavin limbo

Well I'm not really into these kinda blogs, but this is a reare occasion.

I just passed lvl 20, yes no more metal slime. Party Time.

Okay to fill up this blog, cause only the above is a bit short in my opinion. what has been keeping me busy.

Work, I've been working alot lately, don't have anything better to do and teh extra money is nice.

besides that not much really. gonna upload some pics and movies from my vacation.

OKay now some vacation stories.

We went to like this little canyon, with spring water, it was really cold water. But the weather was killer hot, so dilemma there cold water or getting boiled in the sun. there was also this high rock about 15 feet high, where you could jump down, was fun. Me and my friend also swam dee[p into the canyon to see where the water was comming from. And it was hard, the distance wasn't far, but the water was so cold my body didn't feel like going no more. but we got to see where the water was comming from, and then we had to go back :x.

We also went to some monuments, but that;s all I can think of right now, need to see those pics again to remember all the things that I've done.

Well anyone else gone on vacation, where'd you go and what did you ??

and to all the others, how's everyone been doing. enjoying the weather I hope :D

See you when I get back :D

Hi everyone, how is everyone doing, hope your enjoying summer, cause I am :P.

Well cause it's been a while since I updated and peopel are bothering me about my lack of blogs here's one.

Okay what have I been up to:

I've been free form college for 2 weeks now, have been doing alot of nothing, some soccer and some other things to fill up my time. Some of which that have caused some injury :D. Well I also got me some dogtags and a new mp4 player, cause my old one was acting strange, so I brought that one back.

I'm going on a trip today to Turkey, for about 3 weeks, haven't bought me returning ticket yet so not sure :P. When I get back I'll maybe post some pictures and stuff.

Well that's about it I guess, hope everyone is doing good and take care till I get back. 


Training Day

Well It's been a while since I updated my blog, so for all my friends out there this is what I've been doing:

Well me and my friend Alperen (Ouji-sama) decided to go to the gym today. He been more active then me, I've slacking of with my lazzy ass. well after 50,50,100,50,50 abs excersises which makes 300 for all you math lovers. We did some arm trainings and stuff. after like an hour or 2 we got bored and decided to do some old school karate excersises. So we did some punching, some kicking, the usual program. After the warm up we started sparring (for the people who don't know what this is, it's fighting for practice). And we got a little to excited.

Ouji got a few good kicks in which resulted in this

I've got some other scratches.

But no worry I got to have me some fun on Ouji shin, hope you shin feels better tomorrow ait.

Oh and has anyone of you been doing anything interesting :D

GS errors

there are 2 errors that kepp popping up lately

-sign in for your own profile page (as if I'm not a member)
-never hear of that person

does anyone else have this problem?

This is me

Well like the topic says this is me. I kinda look grumpy there, but that's because it was freakin cold outside.

Hard work

I'm currently studying for my exams, after using my calculator to calculate a few things (strange isn't it). I was checking how much pages I still had to read. my calculator gave me this result


Exam stress

My exams are starting on monday :cry:, still have a lot of learning to do. About 500 pages to read. I\m in the same class as Ouji-sama so he won't be as active as usual either. Well wish me luck, cause if i get bad grades me mum going to kill me :( (or restrict my computer activity)

level 10

level 10, in no time I will be level 30 :P.

Eh does anyone know what's with the emblems, I lost my old school and convinen something emblem


yo people on GS, I had a partry to day, it was a lot of fun, had a little to much to drink, it.s now 2:51 am, after the party we went to a club named studio's we stayed there like for an half hour. I'm totally wasted right now. and going to bed how was your weekend ? hope you had fun
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