I just discovered that the person who was supposed to bring me my Nintendo Wii didn't do it. Now I'm going to be without a Wii for a long time, I have two options either I find someone else to buy it on the US or I buy it here where the system is highly overpriced.
I can't wait to play Wario Ware Smooth Moves but I guess I need to be patient, fortunately that is the only game I'm crazy to play on the Wii so far, otherwise I would be really mad because I don't have a Wii.
In order to relax I just bought Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, I'm waiting for it to arrive here, I hope it is a great game because I was a little disappointed with the last game I bought, Pikmin 2.
I just have one month of vacation left so I want to play a lot of games because when my vacation ends I will hopefully start at the University and I will also be working, so I won't have much time to do many things.