pierst179 / Member

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Pokemon Diamond Update

Actually I haven't done many things since monday when I got Pokémon Diamond, I go to work and when I come back I play Diamond until I get sleepy. And during the morining I just play it a little more. Three days into the game I have 14:00 hours of gameplay and I have yet to get the third badge. This huge amount of time is due to my explorer soul and my Pokémon hunting.

I think I have captured around 25 Pokémon and so far my team is:
Prinplup Level 32
Staravia Level 28
Roselia Level 27
Meditite Level 25

I still need to level Meditite up because he's fainting often during battles, his defense status isn't great. I hope this problem is solved by the time he evolves.

Sorry I haven't been able to post much but I guess everybody who got Diamond or Pearl has been busy too. Nintendo pulled off another Masterpiece.