It was announced earlier this week that Nintendo is working on a new Wii channel. Finally!!! This channel will be called the Wii Ware channel which will be a place where smaller game producers can showcase their ideas and new games, big producers will obviously also be able to place new games on this channel but Nintendo stated that it was something they wanted to create for companies that most of the times don't have enough money to put a game on the market.
Those games will be available to download on the Shop Channel, and can be purchased using the famous Wiipoints. The bad news is that it will only be released at 2008.
I think it is awesome that Nintendo will finally put some more downloadable content for Wii owners and it is likely that we will eventually find many great games on this service since smaller developers can sometimes have the brightest ideas. I know that the XBOX 360 has a similar feature with downloadable games, I just hope Nintendo will get some better games becuase from what I have been told the games available for the 360 aren't that amazing.