I think we all agree that The Legend of Zelda has what can be considered one of the best soundtracks among all games that have ever been released, although some people think that Twilight Princess lacked orchestrated songs I thought its sound was perfect and as good as many next-gen games out there.
So, I was browsing on the internet looking for interesting sites with soundtracks and I discovered one that had Reorchestrated Zelda songs, from The Legend of Zelda(NES) to the most recent installment which is Twilight Princess. All songs are really nice and I enjoyed the site a lot, however I haven't heard all songs yet.
Hope you guys like it!
The next subject of my post is that I won't be able to post, comment on your blogs and be active on Gamespot for the next months, I'll try to come once a day but I can't promisse that, because I have a course to prepare me for my SAT exams during the morning(I don't know if you have this kind of course in other countries), during the afternoon I'm working and at night I'm at my english course, so all days of my week are pretty busy.
See you guys soon!!