... The Darkness...
The Darkness should have remained a zero player game.
... The Darkness...
The Darkness should have remained a zero player game.
I'd pick option three based on the implied intent, but refuse to do so as it makes no sensehttp://funkwarehouse.com/jcpods/john-cleese-podcast-18.mp4.
Maybe they should be to other products such as cars, etc.. where you couldn't really modify them because it's not intended by the manufacturers. After all modifying a car is more dangerous, they shouldn't even allow you to open the hood. themyth01Why does every thread on everything need an inappropriate / irrelevant car related analogy?
Your actions, with your implied consent removed OtherOS function of the PS3's software. Sony's update made it clear that you could either keep the old version with Other OS or you could update and continue to use PSN and play games requiring newer firmware versions. You might want to play the innocent victim of the big mean corporation but it's simply not true. Sony are able to do this as they own the OS (you as a hardware owner lisence the software). Before the false analogies begin about precident being set for removal of other "core" functions it's important to differentiate between hardware and software functions. Sony are not going to disable the BluRay drive etc that you worked so hard to pay for, citing this as a precedent. Backward comparability was not removed from already capable consoles, consoles without B/C were purchased knowing full well that the hardware capability had been removed from the model. Every time you update the GameOS you agree to the T&Cs, if you don't like it maybe a board game is more for you. If losing OtherOS capability is the worst thing that happens in your life then you probably should be pretty happy.Removing "other OS" should have allowed US to sue SONY. They altered MY computer system without authorization, and FORCED an "upgrade" that disabled a part of what i had paid for. Sony is obviously fighting a losing battle. Jailbreaking/Accessing OUR OWN hardware's capabilities is far from illegal. Unfortunately, distributing means to circumvent these protections is illegal.
I guess GeoHot has to explain in court that SONY violated their own terms of service with us and he was only turning on what was there originally.
It (OtherOS) was still advertised with that feature.
Many Sources
This has been suggested by many, so I am not directly quoting anyone. But, does anyone know where this has been advertised? All of the advertising I have seen for the PS3 has highlighted games, multimedia (blu-ray etc), dolby and so forth. I can not find any Sony advertisements that cite OtherOS as a key selling point.
Any sources? :?
Thats kind of like saying "buy the PS3, you can play games on it" then removing the ability to play games.CZVA
That's ridiculous, playing games (or watching Blu-ray movies etc) is a core feature of the PS3 whereas 'OtherOS' was at best a supplementary feature used by the vast minority. Vocal minorities will inevitably whinge disproportionately about everything, that's the unavoidable nature of all internet forums. However, it's important to note that the silent majority don't care about non-issues like this.
GT5, still patiently waiting. I have bought a few other games to keep me entertained in the interim :)
Many people if you read around on the PS3 forums always mention either the Blu-ray drive not reading game disk or the system getting the YLOD. I don't think the complaints the PS3 gets are exaggerated.gamer082009
I'm just putting this out there, but do you think it's likely that people will be more inclined to write a vent / whinge / whatever about failing hardware than they are to report that everything's going well? Hearsay evidence from a vocal minority is really not going to tell you anything.
Is the XBox controller going to work when you get to the bits in Killzone 2 where you need motion control of sixaxis?
Take Australia for example. There are many games that Sony will flat out just not sell out there, even when they'd already done all the proper translations, or even for a game that doesn't really need localization. In lieu of this, many stores will basically sell pre-modified consoles and the like because doing so finally enables those players to finally play the games that they've been denying the country over the years.Sony tried to take some of the stores there to Australian court, and the court ruled in favor of the modders because the modifications "enabled choice where there previously was not." So, I'm not saying they're the exact same situation, but I do have a feeling that if the country of Peru is also starved for gaming selection as well, then the local society is simply deciding that they've had enough of being left out and are going with the modchip to get their choice back.
It's not that much different from importing games from other regions, except that you're not paying the over-inflated game and shipping rates as you would with just importing. And even importing requires custom hardware most of the time in order to play correctly on your own components.codezer0
This may have been a [questionably] legitimate reason for circumventing copy protection in the past; however, I am sure the majority or people modifying consoles were not doing it so they could import legitimate copies of games.
Playstation 3 is region free when it comes to games, so Play Asia (or similar) should be able to supply you with legitimate copies of imported software on an unmodified console. There's no excuse for circumventing copy protection measures for the purpose of playing another regions' games on PS3.
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