I managed to get my hands on the import copy(as I do with nearly every Pokemon game).
From the title screen onwards the whole game is plainly bombarding you with cute. Even the loading screens with Pikachu posing and smiling away are adorable. All the Pokemon mascots and a plethors of the ittle critters are here, amounting up to a total of 193 Pokemon you can befriend(I don't know about the Legendaries that you get through passwords, I'll check for that later), and some of them make the cutest noises(Azurill, Chikorita, Corsola, Buneary). Not authentic noises pulled straight out of the anime, but nice diversion from the sounds they make on the main games.
Oh yeah, the game itself. Underneath the saccharine coating is a Pokemon-themed minigame collection. It may be shallow, throwaway fun, but hey, it's Pokemon. Gamers will likely pass, as this game is mainly aimed at kids and people who truly love Pokemon. Buy only if you consider yourself a fan.
I've only played an hour, full review soon!