:lol: excuse the long blog and the random bouncing around to many topics
I know havent been around much this last week and I apologize to all the unions Im in. Especially to SER since Im an officer and I havent been a very good one :( Too many things going on right now and I havent been able to stop in as much as I usually do. Ive been incredibly indecisive with everything lately, for example this is my 4th time writing this blog :lol: Im not kidding either :|
Plus Ive been having too much fun playing games :lol: I guess thats a good reason to be MIA right? :P
I finished DMC2. And I guess all I can say is hmmm. I enjoyed the acrobatic feel to the battle system, how Dante could run up walls and flip made me feel like I was playing a character that was much more mature in his fighting style. Since this is the last one story wise, being set way after DMC4, it made sense that Dante was much more skilled. But that being said the battles were way easier than the other DMC games. There were points, a lot of points, where I swear I never had to use my sword :lol:
Story wise, the game was lacking compared to the others. Maybe if I play as Lucia and get her side as well it would come together better, which I plan to do at some point, but not before playing as Vergil in DMC3 :D Dante's voice actor was also rather weak in this game, the worst actually. Still love the one from DMC3 and 4 the best. Also Dante not having his traditional attitude was weird. Yet at the same time, since this game is set far from the others, I kept wondering what could have happened in Dante's past to change him.
Short. Very short. Like shorter than God of War: Chains of Olympus, short. That was disappointing. Maybe it was because I was use to the combat system after playing the 3 other games almost back to back? But even then you couldnt stretch it much. If they would have made it longer, fleshing out the story and adding Dante's attitude, then the game might have reached the level of love I have for the other 3 games. Glad I got to play it though, I still had fun.
Been playing more KH. Starting to warm up to it a bit more now, but still I find it annoying. The whole gummi ship thing is a pain and building one gives me a freaking headache :lol:
I wasnt sure if I was going to share this but decided what the heck :D Im actually writing a fan fic at the moment :oops: My first attempt so its not very good. Why did a start writing a fan fic? No idea at all :lol: Was listening to a song and the idea came to me. Then it kind of just wouldnt go away until I wrote it. So ummm...I might possibly share it when its done...but thats a BIG maybe. Because...well....its not suitable for everyone, will probably offend some fans...and some of the content will most likely offend some people...so Im afraid to share it:? Mostly Im writing it cause it wouldnt leave my brain until I did and I would constantly be thinking of things to add to it :lol: Ive got about 25 hand written pages so far.
I had planned to finish my next drawing. I was working on drawing Fai from Tsubasa, but I hated what I had done. So Ill have to try again later.
Really enjoying watching Death Note, thanks to whoever suggested I watch it :) The last disc left on a cliffhanger and its driving me crazy waiting for the next disc! Hurry up Netflix!
Well I better stop and hit the submit button before I end up deleting this whole thing yet again :lol:
PS. If anyone can guess the game that my fan fic is based in and/or the main character, you get cookies! :P