Yep thats right, today is my birthday :) ...24 years old.........
Well enough of that depressing thought :lol: on to gaming.
Let see...I visited my brother over the weekend and got to play MGS4, my first time playing a MGS game. Thankfully I got some background from my brother before I played or I would probably have been lost. I can understand why it is so well liked. The story was very entertaining. It kind of sucks you in. Though I have to admit they got pretty darn detailed on some things. I know for MGS fans this was probably heaven...but I had a hard time staying focused on some of the dialog. For example, one gave you the backstory of one of the psycho ladies you just killed....I kept thinking "why the hell do I care? she tried to kill me, now shes dead..." but possibly it is important further on in the story. Overall the game was enjoyable. The stealth gameplay was fun. One of my favorite parts was the whole scene with Raiden when you first see him. That was awesome. And I was surprised when I heard him talk for the first time, my brother thought I was crazy when I said "omg its Reno!" :lol:
Played some GTAIV. I was impressed on how much was there to do and how the game has grown from the previous titles. But just like the other games, the only fun part for me was driving around. And of course after awhile I got bored. So I didnt play much actually. I just cant ever seem to get into the story of the GTA games.
I got stuck on Patapon again :roll: It was the night time mission, cant remember the name. But late last night I got past it...with one patapon left :lol: Its health was so low I could barely see the little sliver of red in the health bar :)
...well I guess I better go do something fun for my idea what...but ill have to think of something...