*chucks her drawing pencil across the room* I don't want to see you for a good long while, my friend.
:lol: I'm joking... though I am so darn pleased that I have finally finished this drawing. Not only cause it took forever (and was a pain in the behind) but I was getting sad looking at it... it was like watching the end of Crisis Core for hours on end :( Poor Zack and Cloud *sniffle*
My very first game character drawing with a background... and this is the first that truely needed one. It wouldnt be right with them floating in a big white void... oh wait...Cloud did that in AC... awww crap you mean to tell me I didnt have to make a cool background??? *headdesk*
:P this looks so much better with it though... And ya I see the mistakes I made, but I dont care! Muhahahahaha! Came out better than I could have hoped for and Im happy with that :D