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Countdown Continues (Video) and thoughts on CC:RoF

Closer and closer we come!
Finally got to hear Genesis' english voice acting, which was my last fear for the game. But now I dont have to worry because I really like it! :D I think the best voices are Sephiroth, Zack and Cloud. Crisis Core is gonna be so awesome! :lol:

For anyone curious to hear it too, Ill post the link here.

But be warned, It DOES contain SPOILERS! If you dont want to know DONT click on it.

Here it is: Crisis Core Vid-SPOILERS (Genesis)

In other news, I got to play a lot more of CC:ROF and I must say I am very glad I got it. It has a bunch of action, a lot of platforming, and rpg all in one. It's a nice change from the norm. I just got through the forest and got Gnash in my group. I think I have about 8 hours of gameplay so far...but some of that included the moogle painting I did :D ... Moogles dont make good pikachu impersonators :lol:

I think the controls work really well. I find the magic very easy to use with the casting ring. Some have said the AI is crap. I admit that they can be a little useless on basic battles and annoying by standing in poison patches. But it is really not too bad, and you can always hit the L button to call them to you. Actually the AI did really well in the boss battle at the end of the forest. I controlled Gnash and shot arrows while standing on the logs. The others were taking out the baddies below. I occasionally had to jump down to heal and dodge magic attacks but it went a lot easier than it could have gone.

Well I dont want to ramble on too much because I will do a full review later on :D If you're thinking about getting it and like platforming action RPG's, then you will enjoy this game.