pikastar / Member

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CRISIS CORE!!!!!! *No Spoilers*

Heya guys!

I have finally put my PSP down, and Im sure you guys know what Im gonna say next....CRISIS CORE IS AWESOME!

Yesterday I got to the store at 10am, I was the first there to pick up Crisis Core. The guys at the Gamestop know my brother and myself by name. So he knew what I was there for :D First thing he says is "Youll have the game the minute the shipment arrives".

I was like "NOOOOOO!....more waiting" :cry: But he said it wouldnt be too long and he was right. Browsed around the store a bit and in 5 minutes the wonderful UPS man came in with gifts. It was like Christmas in March! :lol:

The lovely boxes were opened right in front of me and there it was! So close I could touch it! With the game I got the preorder umd case. Which is very cool, it holds up to 2 umds. I needed it because one of my games I dont have a case for. And I also got the game guide. Comes in handy but mostly its for my collection :D

So I got the game home and immediately started playing. The whole opening gave me goosebumps :D I played for 11 hours yesterday. Only took a break to eat lunch and dinner. I got to the Church in the Slums and have about 20% done on the missions. There have been moments where my jaw just hangs open and im like "...wow...amazing..". Im so glad that they kept the sense of humor in this game. Man there are some funny part :D And Ive had lots of goosebumps...no crying yet but Im sure they will be comming real soon :lol:

I have to say that this is the best PSP game ever. Plus it lives up to its predessesor, FFVII. The story is amazing, the characters I love (of course!), the dialog/voice acting is fantastic, the gameplay is fun, the music is outstanding, and it has truly wonderful graphics for the PSP. I love everything about this game. If it wasnt for the fact I was up until 3 in the morning yesterday from anticipation and was just plain tired, I wouldnt have stoped playing last night.

Ill give a full review when I get further along. Im really not that far into it yet :lol:

And holy cow! GS gave Crisis Core a 9 out of 10!!!!!? Go Gamespot, you guys rock!!!

Im sorry if all of my information about the game is vague... actually I find it hard to describe how much I love this game. Also I dont want to give any spoilers because I know there are some that dont want to know anything before they play the game.