Nope this isnt about a DOOM game :) Just a quick little update on things and I needed a title better than "Gaming update" :P it will make sense in a minute...
Been playing a lot of FFXII. Im up to the part after finding Mjrn in the Henne Mines. I headed out into the jungle and ran into the Elder Wyrm and got my butt kicked. So Ill have to do a bit of leveling it looks like. Im fine until the darn thing casts every status effect under the sun on me :P Oh and one of my favorite parts so far was Vaan asking Fran how old she was :lol: That made me almost fall out of my chair I was laughing so hard.
Also been playing some Star Ocean: First Departure, though Im not much further than I was before.
Still making progress with FFIV, Im up to the Passage of the Eidolons.
...I really, really need to finish some of my games that are half way done :?
Ever wanted to see Sephy stab Tifa with Masamune? Well heres a video I found on youtube that can grant your wish. I think it is amazing what people who make amv can do.
Uggh I wish the weather would make up its mind where I live. The temperature has been bouncing back and forth from warm to freezing. Wouldnt be surprised if I dont get a cold, its already messing with my sleep.
Im working on another drawing. I really liked the panel thing I did in my last one so I want to try another one like that at some point. But Ill be doing more game character drawings and less anime characters for awhile unless it was a request :D I think everyone likes them better :wink: