:shock: *blinks a few times* :shock:
I'm shocked at how totally awesome FFVIII is so far. Of course I expected to like the game, I haven't met a FF game yet that I didn't enjoy to some degree :P With the mixed reviews I wasn't looking for much, some nice characters, decent story and such was good enough for me. But so far it has exceeded my expectations. If the game continues being so good it could actually contend for the number 2 spot of my favorite final fantasy games (nothing can beat FFVII imo :P )
SPOILER!! (cause the stupid spoiler tag isnt freaking working *kicks GS*)
I'm now on the second disc, I just freed Squall from the prison ... Bad Seifer for torturing Squall! :( ...and Irvine is holding the guards off while I head to the top to escape. Btw the whole attempt to assassinate Edea was awesome. When the first disc ended I immediately stuck in the second disc to see what happened next… even though it was way late at night :P
After finishing Kingdom Hearts the other day, I'm pretty much only playing FFVIII at the moment :D I'll talk more about it once I get further along... homework is calling me :(