YAY I'm free for christmas break :D
Tons of time now to continue playing Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and Valkyria Chronicles 2. Also should have Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition arriving in the mail today so I can't wait to start that :)
On the topic of Valkyria Chronicles, I finished the first quite a few weeks ago but hadn't had time to write about how insanely awesome it is :lol: I absolutely loved the characters and the story. It wasn't a black and white, "these guys are good, those guys are bad" type of game. There were people on both sides of the war that had their reasons for doing things. The lines were blurred on what the morally right thing to do was and you could understand their intentions even if you might not agree with them.
The gameplay was what had kept me from picking up the game earlier than I did. I can count the number of srpgs I have loved on one hand. But I have never loved the gameplay in a srpg more than in VC. You have to move your squad strategically to keep them out of the line of fire or behind cover. You start with an overhead view of the map and then move into third person. Each character has a set amount of distance they can travel each turn as well as being able to shoot, heal, repair tanks, ect. once each turn. It is brilliant gameplay that I absolutely loved.
Music was wonderful, I'd watch the openning sequence everytime I started up the game just to listen to the song. VA's were really good too. They gave personalities to each member of the squad. Speaking of the squad, the VA's, character backgrounds, ect. made you care about the members of your squad. They weren't just extras to fill out the ranks. Most of the time I stuck with the same group, only swaping out members a few times.
Anyone who owns a PS3 needs to try Valkyria Chronicles :D
Score: 10/10